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时间:2021-05-04 16:42来源:毕业论文



Abstract:With the rapid development of Internet, the network buzzwords has become the Internet population even traditional media are using the language. In this paper, from the perspective of sociology and communication studies, using the theory of social psychology and communication studies, discusses the college students psychological reason for the spread of network buzzwords. The study concluded that influence the spread of network buzzwords groups of college students psychological motivation mainly include social identity, amusement, new mentality, the pursuit of personality and a herd mentality. However, under the influence of college students' mental transmission network catchword also has negative aspects, such as college students pursue personality makes too much Chinese language difficult to understand, and some of the college students' errors through the formation of the popular content vulgarization and mislead other college students, create a vicious cycle, affect the healthy development of the society.

Keywords:Network buzzwords ,College students' mental ,Social identity ,New psychological  


1  引言 4

文献综述 5

3  大学生心理动因对网络流行语传播的积极影响 5

3.1社会认同心理使网络流行语的传播主体更活跃 5

3.2娱乐心理使网络流行语的传播内容更加娱乐化 6

3.3求新心理使网络流行语的传播周期更短 7

3.4追求个性心理使网络流行语的传播渠道更广泛 7

3.5从众心理使网络流行语的传播效果更强大 8

4  大学生心理动因对网络流行语传播的消极影响 9

4.1求异心理使网络流行语难以理解 9

4.2错误价值观使网络流行语内容低俗化 9

结  语 10

参 考 文 献 11

致 谢 12

1  引言


网络流行语,是一种和传统平面媒介有着很大区别的语言形式,源于现实生活又根植于网络文化,包括符号、字、词、句以及文本,成为网民独特的语言表达。网络流行语往往由某一事件引申而来,以其独特的生动、简洁以及情感共鸣受到网民青睐,短时间内得到快速传播,更新变化很快。譬如2012年网络流行语"感觉好累,不再爱了”源于13岁小男孩在豆瓣上发的帖子"感觉不会再爱了”,成为网友吐槽的段子,短短时间内便成为网络热词。 大学生心理动因对网络流行语传播的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_74760.html
