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时间:2020-09-18 17:09来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Today, mankind has entered the era of highly developed information and media , the word "fans" has entered  Chinese market in short few years and it has become a buzzword, one kind of power and culture. Network in constant development, people have a various way of network communication, sina created such a brand called"weibo", weibo "fans" arises at the historic moment. As weibo "fans" growing, weibo "fans" culture has become an important part of culture studies. This article will try to analysis from the perspective of sociology and psychology,  to the weibo "fans" definition, the characteristics of the weibo "fans" and the causes of the formation of "fans",  as well its influence of fans.

Keywords:weibo "fans", network technology, public welfare establishments, network violence


引言 5

一、微博“粉丝”概念界定 5

二、微博“粉丝”的特点 6

(一)微博“粉丝”具有非专一性与攻击性 6

(二)微博“粉丝”的活动参与形式有限 6

(三)微博“粉丝”群具有非规范性 7

(四)微博“粉丝”的活动泛范围广泛 7

三、微博“粉丝”的成因 7

(一)内在原因:微博“粉丝”的个人心理需求 8

1.从众心理 8

2.自恋心理 8

3.虚荣心理 9

(二)外在原因:网络技术的发展 9

四、微博“粉丝”的影响 9

(一)微博“粉丝”的积极影响 9

1.更加注重个人的优秀品质 10

2. 关注领域有所拓宽 10

3. 推进公益事业发展 10

(二)微博“粉丝”的消极影响 11

1.微博“粉丝”对个人的消极影响 11

2.微博“粉丝”对社会的消极影响 11

(1)微博言论攻击引发网络暴力 11

(2)微博“粉丝”中的金钱交易破坏网络环境 12

结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

引言 微博粉丝现象的成因及其影响:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_60890.html
