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时间:2017-05-01 23:26来源:毕业论文

摘  要:新媒体时代,微博迅速成为突发事件的重要信息载体,微博的出现不仅为民众获取信息提供了新渠道,同时也为谣言提供了新的土壤。本论文以拉斯韦尔的“5W”传播模式为理论视角,通过对雅安地震等典型事件中的谣言传播进行剖析,发现微博谣言的传者在一定条件下会变成受众,受众在一定条件下成为传者,也就是说,传者和受众之间并没有非常明确的界限,一个人是传者,同时也可以是受众。随后以3•8马来西亚航班失踪事件为例,进一步分析了微博谣言在传播流程四个阶段的特征,发现微博谣言在潜伏期危害最小,爆发期危害最大。对于防范突发事件中的微博谣言扩散,需要采取一些策略,比如完善辟谣与举报机制、强化媒体把关作用、提高网民媒介素养等,只有这样,才能把微博谣言扼杀在摇篮中,构建良好的微博生态环境。7935

The Research on the Spread of Micro-blogging rumors and Coping Strategies in Emergencies
  Abstract: In the new media age, Micro-blogging rapidly become the important carrier of emergency, although it offer new channels for people to get new information, ti also induce the spread of rumors. This article based on Lass-well’s 5W propagation mode,analyzing the typical incidents of  Ya an earthquake, found that the transmitter can become the audience under certain conditions, in turn, the audience can also become the transmitter, that is to say, there is no distinct boundary between them, one can be both of them at the same time. Taking Malaysia event for example, which gave a further analysis on rumors’ features in latent period, but a maximum effect in outbreak period. There is a need to take some actions to avoid the spread of rumors, such as, perfect accusation system, strengthen the supervision and upgrade the quality of netizens ,only this can strangle rumors in the cradle and build a good environment for Micro-blogging.
  Key Words: emergency;Micro-blogging rumors;the spread of rumors;coping strategies

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、微博谣言的界定及传播特点    2
(一)微博谣言的界定    2
(二)微博谣言传播的特点    3
二、突发事件下微博谣言的传播要素分析    5
(一)微博谣言的传播者    5
(二)微博谣言的受众    5
(三)微博谣言的内容    6
(四)微博谣言的扩散媒介    7
(五)微博谣言的传播效果    7
三、突发事件下微博谣言的传播流程分析    7
(一)微博谣言的潜伏期    8
(二)微博谣言的爆发期    8
(三)微博谣言的变种期    9
(四)微博谣言的消亡期    10
四、突发事件中微博谣言的应对策略    11
(一)完善相关法律法规和惩戒机制    11
(二)实行实名制,建立健全辟谣和举报机制    12
(三)加强信息监管,主动公开信息    12
(四)媒体强化把关作用,正确引导舆论走向    13
(五)提高网民媒介素养,自觉抵制谣言    14
参考文献    15
    中国目前正处于社会转型期,社会矛盾激化,各种风险和危机伴随而来,当突发事件爆发时,由于政府公信力低、不及时公开信息、监管不力、网民缺乏相关媒介素养等各种原因,导致谣言横行,严重影响社会秩序的稳定。新媒体时代,谣言有了新的载体——微博,由于微博具有及时性、移动性、草根性、碎片化等特点,使得谣言借助微博平台传播得更快、更复杂,范围更广,危害更大。因此,研究微博谣言的传播规律,制定相应的应对策略变得更加必要和紧迫。 突发事件中微博谣言的传播及应对策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_6085.html