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时间:2020-05-14 19:27来源:毕业论文



Research on Media Image of Female Student Population

----a Study Based on Netease News

Abstract:In recent years,there are many female college repeatedly losing in murder cases so that they are paid increasingly attention in the back-to-school .When the media portrayal of female college student is in the process ,the mass media is always the main way.And with the development of network media,network media in shaping the image of the female university students plays more and more important . Because of the network media and network news' dissemination subject anonymity, gatekeepers' weakening transmission characteristics,female college students have many problems in reports and media portrayal. This article intends to base on netease news to explore female college students in group media and the reason for these problems is in the process of image creation,and so these solutions are discussed. The media image to portray will be more fair.

Key Words: Female college students; Media image; NetEase news

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract. 1

一、女大学生群体的媒介形象概述 2

(一)媒介形象概念界定 2

(二)女大学生群体媒介形象的回顾 3

(三)女大学生群体媒介形象的报道特点 4

二、女大学生群体媒介形象报道中存在的问题 5

(一)女大学生被弱智化 6

(二)女大学生被拜金化 6

(三)女大学生被妖魔化 7

三、女大学生群体媒介形象出现偏差的原因 7

(一)拟态环境下社会整体的认知偏差 8

(二)受众注意力稀缺促使媒体铤而走险 8

(三)女大学生群体的集体失语和媒介素养不足 9

四、改善女大学生群体媒介形象的建议 10

(一)淡化性别差异 纠正公众刻板印象 10

(二)媒体加强职业素养 固守新闻伦理 11

(三)女大学生群体应该重视维权意识 提高媒介素养 11

参考文献 13


近年来,大众媒体对女大学生群体进行大量负面煽情报道。新闻中频繁侧重报道个别女大学生“丑化”的形象,劫掠性地把女大学生群体作为可供娱乐化的对象。针对这一现状,本文以网易新闻为例,探讨女大学生群体媒介形象形成的机制,出现偏差的原因,以及改进的方法策略。 网易新闻女大学生群体的媒介形象研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_51564.html
