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时间:2017-04-08 09:30来源:毕业论文

摘  要:2005年伊始,山东齐鲁电视台《拉呱》横空出世,一举成名,创造了地方民生新闻栏目收视率的高潮。随之传媒界卷起了一股民生新闻的浪潮,但问题也随之而来,面对各种竞争者,要想获得长远发展,民生新闻就必须突出自己的特色。本论文主要分析了《拉呱》的栏目特色,以及栏目特色产生的积极、消极影响,通过研究得出民生新闻必须优化新闻曲艺式发展模式,巧用新闻故事化形式,注重挖掘新闻深度。希望通过这些结论使《拉呱》栏目在利弊取舍上作出正确选择,使栏目优化更加合理,最终期望民生类新闻栏目在以后的具体实践中能够朝着积极健康的方向发展。  关键词:拉呱;特色;本土化;民生新闻6945
The Characteristic Analysis Of The Talk Show, La Gua, In Shandong Qilu Channel
Abstract: Since early 2005, La Gua, a chit chat show in Shandong Qilu channel, has hit a time-period high audience rating among the local news concerning people’s livelihood. Then there appeared a wave of people’s livelihood of news in the media circle. However, various kinds of problems come along as well. Faced with mass competition, news of people’s livelihood will have to highlight its characteristics so as to seek for a long-standing development. After a close analysis of characteristics of the talk show, La Gua, as well as its positive and negative effect, this paper draws the conclusion that the people’s livelihood news has to optimize its development patterns, use the story-telling style wisely, and pay more attention on the depth of the news. We hope that these findings may help the talk show make correct options after the balance of pros and cons, and make the show more rational. Furthermore, we would like to see the talk show concerning people’s livelihood develop in a positive and sound way in the later practice.
Key words: La Gua;characteristics;localization;news of people's livelihood  
 目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、《拉呱》栏目的特色体现    2
(一)“曲艺+新闻”的栏目形态    2
(二)“故事化+模拟现场”的叙事手法    3
(三)“人文关怀+公益行动”的情感表达方式    4
二、《拉呱》栏目特色产生的积极影响    5
(一)栏目形态艺术化,促使栏目风格趋向本土化    5
(二)叙事手法故事化,丰富栏目的内容和现场效果    6
(三)情感表达人文化,确立栏目以百姓为视角的服务宗旨    6
三、《拉呱》栏目特色产生的消极影响    7
(一)语言本土化限制了人文发展空间    7
(二)新闻过度故事化扭曲了新闻发展方向    7
(三)过多情感投入降低了新闻深度认知    8
四、《拉呱》栏目的发展策略    8
(一)优化曲艺式新闻的发展,将普通话融入新闻板块当中    8
(二)巧用新闻故事化形式,促进节目内容的良性循环    9
(三)注重新闻深度,实现节目与观众双赢    9
参考文献    11
山东齐鲁电视台《拉呱》栏目特色分析   自2005年以来,山东齐鲁电视台打造的民生新闻节目《拉呱》正式与山东观众见面。节目以曲艺加新闻的形式,利用地道济南方言,实现新闻与艺术的一体化发展。《拉呱》是由小么哥(张勇)担任主持人角色,而且还插入搭词人角色(鄢磊)。除播报身边事外,还增添不少板块,像和事佬、么也懂、雷翻天、相亲拉对象等诸多栏目板块。从栏目开始的一枝独秀到现在栏目板块的遍地开花,引导栏目向积极地方向发展的决定因素,归根结底还是栏目的自身特色。 山东齐鲁电视台《拉呱》栏目特色分析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_4676.html