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时间:2020-01-07 20:02来源:毕业论文



Countermeasures and Research on the use of WeChat Circle of Friends in college Students

Abstract:WeChat as a real time tool,which has had nearly 60 million users since it pushed out in 2011,and the main force of the users belongs to college students.The appearance of WeChat is convenient to the college students to achieve messages quickly,its timely and implication provides a good social platform for college students showing themselves.However,overusing the friend circle results in the college students are too deeply involved to withdraw and it has been becoming a self-love problem that showing oneself,so it is necessary for us to lead a true direction for college students how to use it. This paper collects and analyzes the data through the questionnaire method, and sums up the problems existing in the process of university students' WeChat circle of friends, so as to have a certain reference value for college students.

Key Words: College students; WeChat circle of friends; Using motivation

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、绪论 2

(一)调查背景 2

(二)调查方法与样本 3

二、大学生微信朋友圈使用概况 3

(一)男女比例 3

(二)使用原因 3

(三)使用时段和时长 4

(四)信息来源 5

(五)使用偏好 6

三、大学生使用微信朋友圈的行为特征 6

(一)大学生使用微信朋友圈依赖性较强 7

(二)大学生更新微信朋友圈的频率高 7

(三)大学生使用微信朋友圈呈现明显伴随性 8

四、大学生使用微信朋友圈的动机 9

(一)满足社交需要 9

(二)满足信息需求 10

(三)抒发情感需求 11

(四)展现自我需求 12

(五)满足娱乐需求 13

五、大学生使用微信朋友圈产生的问题 13

(一)媒介依存下的群体孤独 13

(二)虚拟情境下的社交焦虑 14

(三)个体表演中自恋倾向加剧 14

(四)信息爆炸下无效信息泛滥 15  大学生使用微信朋友圈的问题及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_44679.html
