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时间:2019-12-25 20:30来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着互联网等新媒体技术的发展, 网络视频在人们日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用,再加上电视节目的版权费日益上涨,导致采购成本增加、内容同质化等问题,于是视频网站自制节目在这种情况下应运而生。43372



The Characteristics of IQIYI Homemade Columns

Abstract:With the development of the Internet and other new media technologys,video website plays a more and more important role in people’s daily life. And the rising of TV programs’ royalties leads to the increase of purchasing cost, content homogeneity, and so on. In this situation, the homemade program of video website emerges at the right moment.

In today’s video website industry, IQIYI is the most representative and occupies a strong market share. In 2011, IQIYI officially launched “IQIYI product” strategy mechanism and became the current hot topic. The columns belongs to IQIYI have comprehensive form and rich content. In this paper, by using methods of case analysis and content analysis, the author conduct a comprehensive study on the content setting, production form and marketing characteristics of IQIYI homemade columns. And also offer a proposal to various problems in the video industy, so to promote the improvement of this industy and move forward healthy development road.

Key Words: Video website;IQIYI; Homemade columns

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract. 1

一、爱奇艺自制栏目概述 2

(一)爱奇艺自制栏目的发展现状 2

(二)爱奇艺自制栏目的分类 3

二、爱奇艺自制栏目的内容设置特点 4

(一)紧扣当下热点问题 4

(二)传播优秀传统文化 4

(三)泛娱乐化问题突出 5

三、爱奇艺自制栏目的制作形式特点 6

(一)制作周期短、成本低 6

(二)互动性强、用户间接生产内容 6

(三)网台联动 7

四、爱奇艺自制栏目的营销方式特点 8

(一)植入式广告盈利模式 8

(二)利用大数据定向传播 9

(三)优秀栏目返销电视台 10

五、从爱奇艺看视频网站自制栏目的发展前景 10

(一)差异化发展形成品牌效应 10

(二)加强内容创新打造精品节目 11

(三)完善网络视频管理监督体系 12

参考文献 14 


电视栏目与电视节目是有区别的,从本质上来说,栏目是一种节目的编排形式,即“一般以栏目名称、特定的标志图像和间奏乐等与节目其他部分区分开,其所有内容或同一主题、同类题材,或同一体裁、同一特征等,又与整个节目和谐统一,使节目布局与结构层次化、精致化、延续化” 这就是电视栏目。 论爱奇艺自制栏目的特点:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_44174.html
