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时间:2017-03-16 20:28来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着网络技术的发展,我国网络受众的数量也急剧增加,网络侵权行为也逐渐显露端倪。网络垄断、网络不正当竞争充斥着受众的视野。网络受众的合法权益日益遭受损害。本论文通过对“三百大战”的剖析,采用个案分析法、文献资料法,直面网络竞争环境中网络巨头的垄断行为,网民自身的文权意识,以及我国关于完善保障网民合法权益的法律机制等方面的种种不足。从反对网络垄断、鼓励网络企业百家争鸣,完善法律机制,加强行政监管,普及网民的文权意识、提高网络企业尊重网民权益的意识等方面入手,解读如何达到文护网络受众合法权益的目的。

On the Protection of Rights and Interests of the Net-citizens in Our Country
——Take “The Three Hundred Wars” as an Example
Abstract:With the development of the network technology, the number of Chinese Internet users increased dramatically, network tort gradually reveals the clue. Unfair competition and network monopoly have always bothering the net-citizens .In this paper, through the analysis of " The Three Hundred Wars", using the method of case analysis and data supporting ,to take a look at the monopolistic behavior of the Internet giant, the awareness of protecting the legitimate rights of the net-citizens and the betterment of the laws and regulations. Encouraging the enterprises to operate legally, strengthen the administrative supervision, raise the awareness of the net-citizens, to protect the legitimate rights and interests .In this way, we can achieve the purpose of protecting the rights of the net-citizens.
     Key Words:the net-citizens ;rights;the protection of rights ; the three hundred war.
目    录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
一、我国网络受众的权益保护现状    2
(一)网络受众的权益受侵害现状    2
(二)我国网络受众权益保护的法律依据    3
二、我国网络受众权益受侵害的原因    3
(一)网络巨头的垄断    3
(二)法律机制不完善    4
(三)网民缺乏对自身权益保护的认识    5
三、有效避免网络受众权益受损害的对策    5
(一)反对网络垄断    5
(二)完善法律机制    6
(三)加强网络行政监管    7
(四)普及网民权益保护意识    7
(五)提高网络企业尊重网络受众权利的意识    8
参考文献    9                    
论我国网络受众的权益保护     —以“三百大战”为例
    一、我国网络受众的权益保护现状 论我国网络受众的权益保护+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_4136.html