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时间:2017-02-20 12:44来源:毕业论文

摘  要:2002年一部《英雄》引领中国电影走进大片时代。大片指投资大、制作成本高的影片,多为题材重大、影响面广并有著名影星主演的影片。中国式大片一般指中国拍摄的大规模、大制作、明星阵容大、投资大的影片。经过近十年的发展,中国式大片引领着当今中国电影的走向,中国电影似乎是找到了发展之路。实则不然,“高票房,低口碑”成为了中国式大片的标签,中国式大片的发展现状不容乐观。首先以中国式大片的发展现状为前提,综合分析了中国式大片的发展困境,并拟出相应的解决对策,最后对中国式大片的发展前景进行展望,希望中国式大片朝着更好的方向发展,创造出真正属于中国的大片时代。5862
Research on the Current Situation of the Chinese Style Blockbusters
Abstract: Hero, screened in 2002, has directed China into the era of blockbuster films. Blockbusters, performed by famous movie stars, are characterized by large investment and high cost, most of which involve the theme of great importance and the widespread influence. In terms of Chinese-style blockbuster, it generally refers to the large-scale, big-budget, all-star cast, and large investment. Chinese-style blockbuster has been leading the trend of Chinese movie for ten years of its development. Therefore, it seems that blockbuster is becoming the trend of the development of Chinese film industry. However, in fact, “high box-office and low public praise” has become the label of Chinese-style blockbuster. The development of the Chinese-style Blockbuster is not optimistic. Firstly under the condition of current development of Chinese-style blockbuster, the paper will present a com prehensive analysis of barriers to the development of Chinese-style blockbuster, the appropriate solutions and the prospect of the further development of Chinese-style blockbuster. In a word, I wish the Chinese-style blockbuster will develop better, and create an era of the Chinese-style blockbuster.
Key Words: the Chinese-style blockbuster; barriers; solution; prospect
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract.    1
一 、中国式大片及发展现状    2
(一)中国式大片的定义    2
(二)中国式大片的发展现状    2
二、中国式大片出现问题的原因    4
(一)对于商业价值的过度追求    4
(二)对于文化内涵的挖掘不深    5
(三)对于电影市场机制的脱节    6
三、中国式大片的发展对策    7
(一)实现商业价值与艺术价值的完美结合    7
(二)传承中华民族优秀文化    8
(三)规范电影市场运行机制    9
参考文献    11
一 、中国式大片及发展现状
    1994年为了改变萧条的电影市场,国家广电部授权中影公司可以每年引进十部“基本反映世界优秀文化成果和当代电影艺术、技术成就的影片”, 并以分账的方式在国内发行。后来有人将这10部影片称为10部大片,大片一词迅速传播开来。《泰坦尼克号》的上映给观众带来了一场视觉上的饕餮大餐。自此,大片一词更加深入人心。随着中国电影的产业化和国际化,中国电影受到了好莱坞大片的巨大影响,中国式大片也由此产生。 中国式大片的发展现状研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_3107.html