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时间:2017-01-17 10:09来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着社交网络的不断发展,舆论监督的发展进入了一个新的阶段。社交网络成为人们日常生活工作重要的一部分,给公众进行舆论监督提供了一个良好的平台。本论文主要从社交网络出发,分析社交网络和它的发展现状,引出社交网络中的舆论监督具有集聚效应明显、监督对象范围广、监督方式更加快捷灵活的特色,从监督公共事件、公众人物以及政府这三个方面论述社交网络舆论监督的积极影响,从网络规范的角度论述它的负面影响,并且针对它的不利影响提出有效的改善措施。5368
Analysis of supervision by public opinion in social network
Abstract: With the continuous development of social network, the growth of supervision by public opinion has entered into a new stage. Social network has become an important part of daily life, which provides us a good platform to enlist public opinion. This article mainly discusses from the point of social network, through analyzing the development situation of social network, in order to put forward several features of public’s supervision in social network, which contains obvious accumulative effect, a wide range of supervisory object and more flexible and efficient way of public opinion. On one hand, the article also discusses the positive effects of public opinion in social network from the following three aspects: supervision of public events, public figures and the government, on the other hand, expounds its opposite effects from the perspective of Internet regulation, and proposed some effective measures aimed at improving its negative effects.
Key Words: social network service ; supervision by public opinion; public events
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、我国社交网络的发展现状    2
二、社交网络舆论监督的特色    3
(一)社交网络舆论监督的舆情集聚效应明显    3
(二)社交网络监督的对象范围更广    3
(三)社交网络舆论监督更加快捷灵活    4
三、社交网络舆论监督的影响    4
(一)社交网络舆论监督的积极影响    4
(二)社交网络舆论监督的消极影响    6
四、针对社交网络舆论监督负面影响的改善措施    7
(一)加强网络立法建设    8
(二)与传统媒体相结合    8
(三)提高网民自身的媒介素养    9
参考文献    11
一、    我国社交网络的发展现状
“社交网络即社交网络服务,源自英文SNS(Social Network Service)的翻译,中文直译为社会性网络服务或社会化网络服务,意译为社交网络服务。” 最早的社交网络形式是电子邮件,电子邮件解决了远距离传送消息的问题,迄今为止电子邮件仍然是传递信息的重要方式。我国的社交网络近几年发展迅速,并且以它强大的互动、分享和动员功能,在年轻人中备受青睐,而满足用户多样化的需求成为各个社交网站的重要工作。社交网络不仅是传递各种有效信息的重要工具,在舆论监督方面逐渐显现出它独特的作用。 浅析社交网络中的舆论监督:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_2374.html