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时间:2018-09-06 20:29来源:毕业论文

摘  要:近年来,“跨界”成为一股狂流席卷影视界,“跨界”导演的影片在影视界占据着越来越重要的位置,并且成为了国产片票房的大赢家。总的来说,“跨界”导演影片票房的成功与“跨界”导演自身具备的优势、出色的营销手段和对当下电影观众的精准定位有密不可分的关系。然而影片也存在专业水准缺乏、价值观非主流、同质化现象严重等问题。所以,“跨界”导演要做到技、艺的融合,挖掘影片的“深度”,谋求影片类型的多元发展为影片的可持续发展打下坚实基础。本文采用数据分析与案例分析法透视“跨界”导演影片的“优”、“劣”,并提出三项可持续发展策略,以期为中国电影事业的持续升温打下基础。27882
“Straddling of Zones” Direct Movie Research
Abstract:In recent years, the "crossover" become a crazy flow across the film, "crossover" director of the film is occupying more and more important position in film and television, and became the big winner of the home-made movies at the box office. In general, "crossover" directors movie box office success and "crossover" directors have advantages, excellent marketing and accurate positioning of the audiences. But the film there is also a lack of professionalism, mainstream values, homogeneityphenomenon serious and so on. So, "crossover" director to do the skill, the fusion of art, excavate the "depth" of the film, seek film type of persified development for the sustainable development of the film to lay a solid foundation. Based on the data analysis and case analysis perspective "crossover" director of the film "optimal" and "bad", sustainable development strategy, and puts forward three lays the foundation for China's film career is on the rise.
Key words: crossover; The director; The film

摘  要     1
Abstract    1
一、“跨界”导演影片概述    2
(一)“跨界”导演影片的类型    2
(二)“跨界”导演影片在影态势    2
二、“跨界”导演影片成功原因分析    2
(一)“跨界”导演自身的优势    3
    (二)影片出色的营销手段    4
(三)对电影观众的精准定位    5
三、“跨界”导演影片存在的问题    5
(一)专业水准欠缺    6
(二)影片价值观非主流    6
(三)影片同质化现象严重    7
四、“跨界”导演影片可持续发展策略    8
(一)“跨界”导演技、艺相融合    8
(二)注重影片“深度”挖掘    9
(三)影片类型的多元发展    10
参考文献    12
“跨界”导演影片的创作类型多充满着时代风尚、青春气息和娱乐元素,作品多以都市喜剧片、爱情片、校园片、公路片、青春励志片为主,展现出我国“跨界”电影业青年力量崛起带来的清新创作气息。 “跨界”导演影片研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_22529.html