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时间:2018-07-02 16:07来源:毕业论文

Analysis the Characters of the Times and the Development of Rural Science Television Programs
Abstract: Rural science and education television to meet the demands of the growing audience knowledge at the same time, to constant adapt the development of the society in the era as well, to promote the progress of farmers, countryside and agriculture. Rural science and education in the development process of TV program has a program clear creation concept, local-color narrative style is outstanding, tight rural characteristics of hot spots, but the TV in the fierce competition in the industry today, the development is constrained by various factors. This article uphold the banner of the people's livelihood; TO rich the way of science and education television reports; Enhance the competitiveness of viewing ratings in the market; emphasis on four aspects of television and other media responsibilities for the development of rural science television programs put forward its own proposals.
Key Words: countryside; science and education programs; era characteristic
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、研究农村科教电视节目的意义    2
(一)发展中的受众本位思想    2
(二)不断增强的贴近性意识    3
(三)紧扣农村热点的选题    4
(四)节目风格多样化    4
三、农村科教电视节目的时代特点分析    5
(一)节目创作理念明确    5
(二)乡土化叙事风格突出    5
(三)观众参与意识增强    6
(四)现代科技普遍运用,充满趣性    7
四、农村科教电视节目的制约因素分析    8
(一)节目说教浓厚,导致收视率低下    8
(二)传播者缺乏农村体验,报道不深    8
(三)受城市元素影响,节目内容略有偏差    9
(四)同行业竞争压力增加,同质化现象严重    9
五、农村科教电视节目的发展前景展望    10
(一)改变说教的传播方式,丰富节目报道形式    10
(二)秉持民生旗帜,做体验式报道    11
(三)坚守与突破,增强收视市场的竞争力    12
(四)依据农村受众需求,合理体现媒介责任    13
参考文献    15

我国是一个农业大国,有将近9亿的农民,而我们日常所需的生产生活,都离不开他们的生产。随着社会市场经济体制的建立与完善,农民的物质和精神生活有了改变,农民迫切希望学知识,能够对知识学以致用,但由于自身条件的不足和理解能力的差距,文化素质偏低,导致对科技知识的掌握也相对薄弱,在这个技术发达的时代,按部就班已不能成为农民发家致富的根本。因此,他们希望有一种力量能帮助他们摆脱现状,适应时代的潮流。 试析农村科教电视节目的时代特点及发展:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_18572.html