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时间:2018-06-28 11:08来源:毕业论文

Analysis of the Phenomenon of Celebrity Presenters
Abstract:With the rapid development of radio and television and the deepening about media,TV programs are becoming more and more market-oriented, which leads to the fierce competition between tne internal media industry.The commercial development on TV created the phenomenon of celebrity presenters,which makes the phenomenon in the media industry competition create more advantages for the development of the TV programme. Therefore,paying attention to the study of stars has become an important part for the research of TV program. This artical starts from the connotation of the host start to write.This artical mainly through the literature research and the analysis of the case to analyse the reason of the phenomenon of celebrity presenters.It is the combination that between the external market environment and the internal program requirments. This artical dialectically analyses the influences of the celebrity presenters and comes up with some suggestions to its problems,and in order to promote the celebrity presenters have a better development.
Key Words:TV programs;Celebrity presenters ;Brand construction
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、节目主持人明星化现象出现的原因    2
(一)受众心理需求    2
(二)市场竞争需求    3
(三)塑造品牌需求    3
二、节目主持人明星化现象产生的影响    4
(一)积极影响    4
(二)消极影响    6
三、节目主持人明星化现象的应对之道    8
(一)塑造独特品牌价值    8
(二)培养个性化主持人    8
(三)建立主持人竞争和奖惩机制    9
(四)兼顾主持内容的文化性和商业性    9
参考文献    11
电视节目随着电视事业的迅速发展朝着市场化方向前进,在此过程中媒体行业间的竞争也越来越激烈,电视节目为寻求更好的发展,把主持人作为电视节目的核心竞争力,主持人明星化现象得以产生。早在20世纪50年代美国电视人就已提出主持人明星制,电视台对主持人进行专业培养,对其主持的某档节目或出席的某种活动精心策划,进行明星化的包装和宣传,最终培养成为明星主持人。主持人明星化现象出现之后,在欧美节目中普遍盛行,时至今日已成为一种世界潮流。凤凰卫视从1996年开始引进主持人明星制模式,把吴小莉、陈鲁豫、窦文涛等节目主持人包装成第一批明星主持人,成为主持人明星制中国化发展的成功典范,大大提高了节目收视率和影响力。主持人明星化是顺应电视时代潮流的产物,也是电视节目能够适应市场化发展的表现,在媒介竞争中有愈发重要的作用。因此,为了促进我国电视事业更好的发展,文章着重对电视节目主持人明星化现象进行深入研究,以剖析该现象出现的原因和影响,继而探讨解决该问题的应对策略。 节目主持人明星化现象探析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_18403.html