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时间:2018-06-16 15:17来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着媒体业市场化的不断深入,媒体为了获取更高的经济效益过分迎合受众需求,有时候媒体的舆论取向会使受众走向误区,并影响事件自身的发展。本文以“李天一事件”为例,首先概括媒体在此次事件中的舆论取向,进一步从司法案件报道过于娱乐化、披露受害人隐私、违背新闻真实性原则三个角度探讨经济效益对媒体舆论取向的影响,并指出媒体在该事件报道中过度追求经济效益的原因,旨在探究正确引导市场化媒体舆论取向的对策,即增强社会责任、提升差异化水平、提高采编队伍素质、健全法律法规,以期为市场化媒体形成健康的舆论取向提供借鉴。24388
See Public Opinion Orientation of Marketization of Media
         from the " Li Tianyi's case "
Abstract: Along with the deepening of the marketization of the media, the media in order to obtain higher economic benefits excessively to cater to audience demand, sometimes it can make the audience enter into the error of orientation, and affect the development of the event itself at the same time. This text takes the "Li event" for example. First ,it summarized the media in the orientation of public opinion in this event, Further from the judicial cases which stressed on the entertainment very much and disclosed the victim's privacy, which against the principle of news' authenticity, this three angles summarized the economic benefits to the influence of media public opinion orientation. and pointed out the curses of the excessive pursuit of economic benefits in the media , aims to explore restrict media market countermeasures, which promote media differentiation level, strengthen the social responsibility, improve the quality of the editorial team and perfect laws and regulations, in order to market-oriented media form health orientation of public opinion.
    Key words: Li Tianyi's case; market-oriented media; orientation of public opinion

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、“李天一事件”媒体舆论取向的概述    2
(一)渲染李天一家庭背景,营造纨绔恶劣的形象    2
(二)炒作李天一监护人的言论,激发舆论共鸣    2
(三)缺乏对李天一未成年人权益的保护,后期报道有所改善    3
二、“李天一事件”中经济效益对媒体舆论取向的影响    3
(一)为迎合受众娱乐化信息需求,案件报道过于娱乐化    4
(二)为吸引眼球,披露受害人隐私    4
(三)为获得持续关注,违背新闻真实性原则    5
三、市场化媒体过分强调经济效益的原因    5
(一)同质化严重,加剧媒体经营压力    5
(二)媒体从业人员职业道德滑坡    6
(三)媒体约束机制不健全    7
四、正确引导市场化媒体舆论取向的对策    7
(一)增强媒体社会责任,理性引导舆论    7
(二)鼓励改革创新,提升媒体差异化水平    8
(三)提高采编队伍素质,强化媒体人的自律意识    9
(四)健全法律法规,完善市场化媒体的监管体系    9
参考文献    11
2013年 2 月 17 日,著名歌唱家李双江之子李天一因涉嫌强奸罪被警方刑事拘留。这本该是一起严肃的刑事案件,却因李天一名人之子的身份,让案件“升级”为各大媒体的娱乐头条或占据重要的版面与时段。媒体是社会的公器,说话应有理有据,只有这样才能使受众信服。但是在媒体业市场化不断深入的今天,某些媒体为获得点击率、收视率,在报道“李天一事件”中不顾新闻真实性原则,媒体的舆论取向使观众走向了误区,影响了事件本身的发展。 从“李天一事件”看市场化媒体的舆论取向:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_17868.html