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时间:2018-05-28 10:05来源:毕业论文

关键字:微信 社交 信息 传播 微博
Title  The differences and similarities between Wechat and other social information platforms                        
Wechat was launched in 2011 as a social information platform, after more than three years, has developed into an extremely popular social networking applications. Its users are mainly young group who love chatting to maintain social relationships based. As a chat tool, its interface is clear and concise; carry information as a platform ,the circle of friends is apprehended at a glance. In terms of commercial profit,combined with didi taxi and Wechat payment platform ,there is a great impact on society in this period of time and the taxi industry has been brought a great change. It can be said, wechat has a lot of advantages that other social information platforms does not have, but compared with other social information platforms, there are also many similarities.
Keywords  Wechat     social  information  communication  weibo
目   录
1  引言    1
2  绪论    2
2.1  微信简介    2
2.2   微信的发展历程    2
3  微信与其他社交信息平台的受众分析    5
3.1  微信的用户趋于年轻化,微博的用户趋于成熟化    5
3.2  社交信息平台用户呈现“群体化”特点    6
3.3  女性逐渐占据各类社交媒体受众的主流    6
3.4  微信等各类社交媒体的真实关系网络并不相同    7
4  微信与其他社交媒体作为私人聊天工具的对比    8
4.1  微信成为手机用户使用频率较高的聊天工具    8
4.2  表情符号成为聊天软件的点睛之处    8
4.3  微信与腾讯QQ的用途不尽相同    10
4.4  微信的“附近人”功能与陌陌交友的异同    11
4.5  微信的实时对讲机功能实现了“零延时”语音聊天    11
5  微信与其他社交媒体作为公众平台传播信息的对比    12
5.1  微信与其他社交信息平台在进行信息传播时的受众不同    12
5.2  微信朋友圈与微博的对比    12
5.3  微信的服务号与订阅号    13
5.4  微信的传播效果更有力量,监管难度也更大    14
5.5  微信是微博在“自媒体”传播过程中的跨越    14
6微信与其他社交媒体在商业运作方面的对比    16
6.1  微信首推收费项目,表情商店变吸金利器    16
6.2  微信红包引爆春节    16
6.3  微信嘀嘀打车开创出租车行业新局面    17
6.4  微信支付平台逐渐扩张领域    17 微信与其他社交信息平台的异同:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_16440.html