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时间:2017-06-15 20:39来源:毕业论文

关键词  波尔共振仪  性能分析  阻尼系数  数据处理  微分方程
 Title    The improved research and production of Pohl resonator  
Pohl resonator is the instrument of the university physics experiment for the study of forced vibration and resonance, mainly for research amplitude frequency characteristic and phase frequency characteristic in forced vibration. The laboratory existing Pohl resonators used five or six years have obvious errors. Scroll spring on the instrument, damping and motor settings have not the same standard, have obvious differences between instruments, its consistency is poor. Through the analysis, we can discover that the linearity and symmetry of the scroll springs, damping settings and the motor speed is stable or not,and the instrument calibration will directly cause significant impact on the experimental results. As for the common phenomenon of the Pohl resonator in the degree of differentiation of the phase frequency response curve is not enough, we can find that the damping ratio is the key factors of the phase-frequency characteristic curve discrimination through analysis.
Keywords  Pohl resonator  Performance Analysis  Damping coefficient  Data processing  Differential equation
1 绪论    2
1.1 共振    2
1.1.1共振现象(典故)    2
1.1.2共振的应用与危害    2
1.2波尔共振仪实验原理    3
1.2.1相关概念    3
1.2.2理论分析    3
1.2.3理论图像    4
2 仪器性能分析    5
2.1一致性    5
2.1.1自由振荡    5
2.1.2阻尼振荡    11
2.1.3受迫振动    15
2.2改进分析    19
2.2.1阻尼系数    19
2.2.2涡旋弹簧    22
3结论    25
致谢    26
参考文献    27
附件1 实验仪器    28
附件2 实验数据及问题    28
附件3 各仪器间比较    52
1 绪论
1.1 共振
系统受外界激励,作强迫振动时,若外界激励的频率接近于系统频率时,强迫振动的振幅可能达到非常大的值,这种现象就叫做共振[1]。共振是物理学上运用频率极高的一个专业术语。共振不仅在物理学上运用频率非常高,而且,共振现象也可以说是一种宇宙间最普遍和最频繁的自然现象之一,所以在某种程度上甚至可以这么说,是共振产生了宇宙和世间万物,没有共振就没有世界[2]。 波尔共振仪的改进研究与制作:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_9227.html