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时间:2018-12-24 21:52来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:高中物理  物理学方法  教育研究  物理教学
Study on the Application of Physics Method in High School Physics Teaching
Abstract:Physics method education is to infiltrate and teach scientific methods education in high school physics teaching purposefully ,consciously and step by step.Edified and trained with physics method education,the students will gradually master the most basic and important physical scientific methods and finally promote the study of knowledge,develop capacity and enhance the scientific accomplishment. So I think that the study on the application of physics method in high school has a great significance and practical value.
  This paper based on the analysis of the current situation of education and the dynamic method of physics in senior high school in China, combined with actual investigation and study,then introduced the concept of physics methods before principles and methods of physics education method, and finally combined with two actual case analysis of teaching method of physics.The purpose of this paper is to provide some of the content can be reference for many high school physics teacher education infiltration method in teaching, at the same time also hope to attract the majority of physics teachers to strengthen the penetration into the physics teaching emphasis on physics method.
Key words: High school physics  Physics method  Study on   Education   Physics Teaching
1.绪论    1
2.高中物理教学中物理学方法教育综述    3
2.1相关概念的界定    3
2.1.1什么是方法    3
2.1.2 什么是物理学方法    3
2.2 高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究的现状和动态    3
2.2.1  高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究的现状    3
2.2.2  高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究的动态    4
2.3  高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究的重要性和必要性    5
2.3.1  高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究的重要性    5
2.3.2  高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究的必要性    5
3.调查研究与结果分析    7
3.1 调查研究    7
3.2 调查结果分析    7
3.2.1 调查问卷客观题第3题“你了解物理学方法吗?”结果统计分析    7
3.2.2 调查问卷客观题第7题“物理学方法的运用是否帮助了你更好地
学习物理?”结果统计分析    8
3.2.3 调查问卷客观题第10题“你希望老师在物理教学中多加入物理学
方法的教育吗?”结果统计分析    9
3.2.4 调查问卷主观题第11题“你在物理学习中运用了哪些物理学方法 高中物理教学中物理学方法教育研究:http://www.751com.cn/wuli/lunwen_28281.html