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时间:2020-08-06 15:34来源:毕业论文

摘  要:递进关联词语是留学生使用频率较高的关联词语,也是对外汉语教学中的重点。但由于关联词语词义虚,用法灵活,关联词语也成为对外汉语教学的难点之一。本文以北京语言大学的HSK作文语料为依据,运用偏误分析和统计分析的方法对语料进行分析归纳,考察留学生使用递进关联词语出现偏误的情况。本文通过对语料的整理分析,将出现的偏误概括为:错序、成分残缺、错用关联词语和关联词语搭配不当等几种情况。针对出现的偏误找到产生偏误的原因有:汉语本身的复杂性、过度泛化和简化等,并对此提出了与此相关的教学建议。53630


Abstract:Progressive associated words are more frequently used by international students. They are also the key point in Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language . However, because progressive associated words are function words and are flexible in usage, they also became one of the difficulties of Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language. Source of the corpus in this paper is based on HSK writing corpus of Beijing Language and Culture University. Errors and statistics analysis are used to inspect the errors made by foreign students using progressive associated words. Based on the analysis of the corpus, the errors appeared can be summarized as: the wrong order, the incomplete composition , wrong with associated words and improper associated words collocation. For the causes of errors are: the complexity of Chinese language, overgeneralization and simplified, etc. In order to solve these problems,some related suggestions are put forward in this paper.

Key  words:Progressive associated words, General, Kinds of errors, Cause of errors,     Teaching

一 、递进关联词语研究综述


自中国第一部语法专著——《马氏文通》起,汉语递进复句研究已有110多年的历史了。马建忠在《马氏文通•虚字卷•推拓连字》说:“推拓连字者,所以推开上文而展拓他意也。”[1] 在他所划分的四类连字句中,讲述了“用以较量者”和“用以递进者”两种递进复句类型。此外,马建忠还用“困兽犹斗,况国相乎!”来作为“用以较量者”的例子,他还解释道:“‘犹’字低一层比,‘况’字跌入有势。”而“用以递进者”又能分为询商之辞和撇转之辞,询商之辞有“抑”、“将”、“宁”等等,撇转之辞则有“非惟”、“不惟”、“亦”、“抑”、“復”等等。



高明凯的《汉语语法论》将复句分为并列复合句和主从复合句两类,他认为前后分句的意义是逐层加强的是主从复句,还说这种复句所使用的连接词还有“不只……,还……”、“不只……,而且……”、“岂止……,而且……”、“岂但……,还……”、“岂但……,而且……”等等。 留学生使用递进关联词语偏误分析:http://www.751com.cn/wenxue/lunwen_57776.html
