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时间:2018-08-07 16:32来源:毕业论文

关键词   光子晶体  滤波器  水下光通信  传输矩阵
Title   The design of narrow-band photonic crystal filter in short-wave band                                         
For the distinctive band gap characteristics of photonic crystal, It can play an important role in the filter of communication under the water.  We can design a practical photonic crystal filter. This article introduced the basic theory of photonic crystal, and it studied the transmission characteristics of One-dimensional photonic crystal filters systematically by Transfer matrix method. It discussed the introduction of defects which contain that the change of thickness of the middle layer, some other material layer in the periodical structure, the thickness of some layers changed at the same time and combine two group of photonic crystal etc. Also the article revealed the result of the simulation on computer. According to the result, we can see the relationship between the defects and the transmission. In fact, there is a window band in the communication under sea water, this paper put forward several feasible structure of one-dimensional photonic crystal filter which the reference wavelength transmission  reach to 100%.
Keywords  photonic crystal    filters   optical communication Transfer matrix method
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1    光子晶体滤波器发展现状    1
1.1.1 光子晶体的提出    1
1.2 课题任务    3
2 光子晶体基础理论    4
2.1 光子晶体概念及其分类    4
2.2 光子晶体能带结构    4
2.3 光子晶体本征方程    5
2.4 光子晶体制备    6
2.5 光子晶体缺陷    6
2.6 光子晶体应用    7
3  研究光子晶体的主要方法    8
3.1 平面波展开法    8
3.2  时域有限差分法    8
3.3    N阶法    8
3.4  传输矩阵法    8
4一文光子晶体滤波器的设计与仿真    12
4.1 滤波器的初始结构参数    12
4.2 海水通信短波长窄带滤波器设计    13
4.2.1 改变中心层的厚度    13
4.2.2  改变中心层的介电常数    19
4.2.3  引入多层缺陷结构    23
4.2.4  双周期拼接光子晶体滤波器    24
结论    27
致谢    29
附录    32
1  绪论
自进入21世纪以来,人类的通信技术已日趋完善。同时,人类已经实现了远距离通信遥感,比如航空航天领域的远距离通信、气象卫星的遥感、舰载机与航母的通信、以及我们日常生活的通信。要实现水下通信,就要考虑波长范围是 水下窗口[1],因为在此波段范围内的光在水中传输的损耗低。本课题在此背景下利用光子晶体的特性,设计了几款针对海水通信用的短波长光子晶体滤波器,从传输光中筛选出特定波长的载波,实现光通信。 matlab短波段窄带光子晶体滤波器设计:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_20971.html