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时间:2019-12-21 17:17来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Now that the progress of society, resulting in a variety of things that cause air pollution, water pollution, etc. have been, which is a special risk of radioactive contamination, and therefore people's living environment has become very bad, for this situation, we We need to constantly monitor the pollution to protect people.The design team combined research project "based on networking with high sensitivity detector of radioactive contamination," the observer mode and use the advantage of .NET delegates and events mechanism to achieve a data source push data updates to subscriber function. In order to meet people's needs, I received through the design of a real-time software modules of pollution, so that people can keep abreast of the environment around whether contamination, upon detection of contamination have to notify subscribers via the software modules to be better preventive pollution, and thus better protect people's health. The software model is designed based on VisualStudio2010 development environment, the use of the C # delegate and event functions.

KeyWords:observer pattern;.NET frame;Visual Studio 2010;C#


1 绪论 1

1.1 课题的目的和意义 1

1.2 课题的研究发展现状 1

1.3 本设计的研究内容 3

2 观察者模式 3

2.1 观察者模式简介 3

2.2 观察者模式的认识 4

2.2.1 目标和观察者之间的关系 4

2.2.2单向依赖 4

2.2.3基本的实现说明 4

2.2.4命名建议 5

2.2.5触发通知的时机 5

2.2.6相互观察 5

2.2.7观察者模式的调用顺序示意图 5

2.2.8通知的顺序 6

2.3  推模型和拉模型 6

2.3.1 推模型 6

2.3.2 拉模型 6

2.4 Java中的观察者模式 9

2.5 观察者模式的结构图 11

3 Java及C#中观察者模式的实现原理 12

3.1 J2EE框架中Observer的实现 13

3.1.1  J2EE框架简介 13

3.1.2 Observer模式在J2EE框架中的实现 观察者模式在面向对象程序设计中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_43872.html
