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时间:2018-07-18 17:28来源:毕业论文

    本文分析设计了基于信号干扰技术的高阶宽带带阻滤波器。由于两个传输路径信号的叠加,通过选择不同的开路分支和开/短路耦合线,三/五/七阶宽阻带可以有751个传输零点,从0GHz到2f0(f0是阻带的中心频率)可以分别实现。三个高选择性的宽带带宽可以通过改变两个传输路径的谐振结构的特性阻抗轻易地调整。本文设计和仿真了三种结构的宽带带阻滤波器模型,3-dB的相对带宽分别为113%(1.74–6.26 GHz)、115%(1.85–6.45 GHz)和112.3%(1.76–6.25 GHz)。理论与仿真结果吻合良好,并显示了滤波性能和高选择性。
关键词  信号干扰  宽阻带  滤波器  耦合线  开路分支
Title    Design of high-order wideband bandstop filters   based on signal-interference techniques     
With the rapid development of wireless communication industry, the limited frequency spectrum is required to pide into more bands to meet the needs of a
variety of communication services. As a frequency-selective device, the filter is essential to the performance of the communication system. In recent years, the wideband technology has received a lot of attention due to the short-range wireless
Communications. Therefore, the research on wideband filter has a very important
High-order wideband bandstop filters(BSFs)based on signal-interference techniques are analyzed and designed. By choosing different open stubs and open/shorted coupled lines, third/fifth/seventh-order wideband BSFs with six transmission zeros from 0 GHz to 2f0 ( f0 is the centre frequency of the stopband) can be achieved, respectively, due to the superposition of signals from the two transmission paths. The bandwidths of the three high selectivity wideband BSFs can be easily adjusted by changing the characteristic impedance of the resonant structures of the two transmission paths. Three wideband BSF prototypes with 3 dB fractional bandwidths of 113% (1.74–6.26 GHz), 115% (1.85–6.45 GHz) and 112.3%(1.76–6.25 GHz) are designed and fabricated for demonstration. The theoretical and measured results are in good agreement and show good in-band filtering performance and high selectivity.
Keywords  Signal-interference, wideband bandstop, filters, coupled lines, openstubs 
 目   次
1  绪论  1
1.1  研究背景  1
1.2  研究现状  1
1.3  本论文研究的主要目标和主要内容  4
2  滤波器基本理论及平行耦合线和分支线的特性分析  6
2.1  滤波器的基本理论  6
2.2  平行耦合线和分支线的特性分析  8
2.3  小结  10
3  三阶宽阻带滤波器的设计与分析  11
3.1  信号干扰技术及理论模型  11
3.2  三阶宽阻带滤波器的设计与分析  13
3.3  小结  18  
4  五阶和七阶宽阻带滤波器的设计与分析  19
4.1  五阶宽阻带滤波器的设计与分析  19
4.2  七阶宽阻带滤波器的设计与分析  21
4.3  小结  24
  结论  25
致谢  26
参考文献  27
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景
随着近些年来出现的多种新型材料和加工技术(如图1.1所示),如高温超导材料(HTS)、微机电系统技术(MEMS)、低温共烧陶瓷材料(LTCC)和平面集成波导技术(SIW)等,微带滤波器本身存在的缺点能够有效地得到克服,从而使得微带滤波器的研究更加有必要。滤波器技术的发展和通信技术的发展是息息相关的,新型滤波器作为射频/微波电路系统的重要的组成单元,其研究和应用在现代的射频/微波电路系统平面化、模块化、小型化和可靠性发展的迫切需求之下越来越重要。这也使得大众的眼光更加关注结合了无线通信频段的滤波器设计和集成化材料在微波滤波器设计之中的应用。无线通信的发展促进了微波滤波器的技术进步,同时微波滤波器的技术变革也给无线通信产业发展注入了新鲜的活力。  基于信号干扰技术的宽阻带滤波器的设计:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_19826.html