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时间:2018-03-07 10:53来源:毕业论文

关键词:转炉炼钢 终点控制 碳含量 光谱规律 Matlab数据拟合 最小二乘法
Title Research converter late model spectrum and the carbon content
In the end of the forecast for steelmaking often determines the quality and efficiency of energy use of a steel furnace , which is related to the degree of damage to production costs and the environment, in the business community are interested in , and therefore , the need for the end of the carbon content conduct research to get a more precise rule.
The control method is usually pided into steelmaking experience control, static control, dynamic control, and automatic control. Because the human eye can only get in the practical application of the fuzzy end of the carbon qualitative understanding of this paper , the relationship between the mouth of light intensity and carbon content and multi- time temperature furnace blowing process analysis was conducted on a large number of data fitting, using the least squares curve fitting method to get the best results, this curve as the basis for empirical formula to predict the end point , the purpose of controlling the experience . Use of Matlab programming for data fitting , one-dimensional , two-dimensional to multidimensional curve fitting , using the least squares method to obtain the most appropriate curve , the curve and get the public , the results could reflect changes in the carbon spectrum with time and circumstances, obtain approximate variation. Despite a lot of data analysis, but uncertainties in the steelmaking process still affect the final result , so it requires more sophisticated research.
Keywords : BOF ,endpoint control ,the carbon content of the law, Matlab spectral data fitting, method of least squares
目   次
1绪论    1
1.1 课题研究背景及意义    1
1.2 转炉炼钢的工艺流程及要求    1
1.3转炉炼钢终点预测的光学图像法    2
2 光谱采集和炉口火焰的光谱分析原理    3
2.1辐射度的相关物理量    3
2.2 热辐射的基本定律    4
2.3 炉口火焰分析    6
2.4 脱碳速率及影响因素    7
3碳含量预测模型分析    8
3.1 数据处理手段    8
3.2最小二乘法    9
3.3数据拟合工作    11
4 全文总结以及工作展望    26
4.1论文总结    26
4.2工作展望    27
致谢    28
参考文献    29
1.1 课题研究背景及意义
在社会快速发展、市场的扩大化需求背景下,对于钢材质量与品种的要求越来越高,逐渐拓宽的钢材的应用范围,使得减少浪费和降低能耗越来越受到重视,转炉生产工艺流程也在这个这环境下发生了巨大变化。其中脱碳过程至为重要,目前是铁水预处理——复吹转炉吹炼——炉外精炼——连铸[1]新的工艺流程,不再是以前的转炉冶炼那样简单。转炉炼钢终点控制指的是吹炼终点时钢水温度和成分的控制[2],大多数是控制终点的碳含量以及温度。对碳含量而言,控制过高不利脱磷脱硫,控制过低又会增加钢中的氧、氮含量;终点温度控制不当,就会使副原料和冷却剂的消耗增加,从而延长冶炼时间,降低炉衬寿命,增加金属消耗,最终影响钢的质量。转炉炼钢的终点控制【2】方法有拉碳补吹法、一吹到底增碳法、拉碳补吹法、成分测算法、枪测定法和气相分析法【3】等,按照类别来分可以分为经验控制、静态控制、动态控制以及自动控制[4]。除了经验控制之外的几种控制方法都是在建立了控制模型的基础上进行的。 Matlab转炉末段光谱与碳含量模型研究:http://www.751com.cn/tongxin/lunwen_10669.html