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时间:2021-04-27 22:03来源:毕业论文

摘要:睢宁县小学体育课外活动开展的现状:目前,睢宁县小学体育课外活动开展情况参差不齐,部分学校开展的很好,也有很多学校开展的不是很好,甚至还有些学校没有开展体育课外活动。放学后,学生花费在文化课上的时间是最多的,其次是看电视、听音乐等,再者是参加体育活动。放学后以及放假期间,学生的主要活动地点都是社区健身点。在多种课外活动开展形式中,学生选择合作完成的占多数。睢宁县小学体育课外活动开展的对策:教育行政部门应建立健全管理体制,落实制度,切实为学生服务。社区和学校应为学生提供丰富的体育场地和相关的指导和服务。培养学生兴趣,丰富活动内容,拓展学习空间。根据实际情况拓展组织形式,遵循学生身心发展。对体育课外活动的完成情况进行评价,促进学生的积极性。让学生参与活动设计,变被动为主动,激发潜能。布置分层活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,满足学生的个性发展 66575


Abstract:The new curriculum has been in full swing, the great change has taken place in the classroom teaching of physical education, but as the extension and supplement of physical teaching of extracurricular activities is still no major breakthrough. From the design, organization, evaluation and effect, the traditional sports activities are not simple rough to meet the need of students' development in the new period. At this time, we should pay attention to the reform of sports and extracurricular activities, so that students can get more benefit from sports extracurricular activities, not only enable students to master sports skills, physical development, enhance physical fitness, can improve the self learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning and social adaptation ability, to cultivate the students' willpower and the team cooperation spirit, so as to promote the development of students' health ,comprehensive. In this paper, the SuiNing County primary school extracurricular sports activities carried out to explain, analysis of SuiNing County primary school to carry out sports activities existing problems, put forward SuiNing County Primary School Sports extracurricular activity development suggestions.

Key words: SuiNing, primary school sports, extracurricular activities; new curriculum

目    录

1 前言 3

2 研究对象与方法 3

2.1 研究对象 3

2.2 研究方法 3

2.2.1 文献资料法 3

2.2.2 实地考察法 3

2.2.3 问卷调查法 4

2.2.4 综合分析法 4

3 调查结果与分析 4

3.1 睢宁县小学体育课外活动开展现状 4

3.1.1体育课外活动的频率 4

3.1.2体育课外活动的时间 5

3.1.3体育课外活动的场所 5

3.1.4体育课外活动的组织形式 6

3.2 睢宁县小学开展体育课外活动存在的问题 7

3.2.1体育课外活动处于边缘状态 7

3.2.2组织形式单调、内容设计枯燥、考核评价单一 7

3.2.3学生缺乏必要的指导和帮助 8
