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时间:2020-08-26 21:49来源:毕业论文



ABSTRACT: In terms of physical education in college and universities, professional track and field course is one of the main content of teaching, is the main activity of sports foundation programs and an important part, but over the past 20 years in jiangsu province professional track and field teaching situation is not optimistic. The author through to the "national ordinary higher school sports education undergraduate course programme of study and refer to a large number of literature, professional track and field teaching present situation of jiangsu province was studied, the quality of teachers, number of classes, the classroom, students' learning, and so on and so forth were summarized, points out existing problems in the professional track and field course teaching, and analyze, research and exploration. This paper involves the literature material method, interview survey method, theoretical analysis and other research methods, to effectively promote the teaching reform of physical education professinal athletic and development, and tentatively puts forward the countermeasures and Suggestions of curriculum reform, makes every effort to make the athletics lesson to become more professional, more reasonable a course in the physical education teaching.

Key word: Professional sports, track and field course, present situation, the countermeasures 


1  前 言 5

2  研究对象与方法 5

2.1  研究对象 5

2.2  研究方法 5

2.2.1  文献资料法 5

2.2.2  问卷调查法 5

2.2.3  数理统计法 5

2.2.4  逻辑分析法 6

3  结果分析 6

3.1五所体育专业学校田径课程开课学期 6

3.2五所体育专业学校田径课程开课内容 6

3.3体育专业学生选课内容调查表 7

3.4体育专业学生对田径课程态度调查 8

3.5田径课程师生比情况 8

3.6 田径教师情况分析 9

结论与建议 10

参考文献 11

1  前 言

自《全国普通高等学校体育教育本科专业课程方案》(以下简称《课程方案》)颁布以来,得到了高校老师和学生的积极评价,收到了广泛的关注与好评,为今后的体育发展指明了方向。全国各个高校的体育教育专业的主要任务是负责着培养和输出体育人才的任务,它是学校体育教师培训的重要载体,所培养和输出的人才是否能够适应中小学体育与健康课程、体育学科的发展现状以及社会体育发展的人才需求的要求,是检验高校体育教育专业教学成果的主要标准。但近年来江苏省体育专业田径课程教学滞后于时代的发展需要,固步自封,教学理念和策略落后,教师还是按部就班,没有跟上时代技术的进步。随着社会的进步和经济的改革,当代体育课程的名称与内涵在逐步变化发展,高校田径项目的教学逐渐难以适应如今社会发展对各类体育人才培养的需求,因此,根据中学体育课程现状中差产生的不足和社会大众体育的实际需求的具体要求,结合新的《课程方案》的基本内容与要求,深化改革当前落后的体育教育专业教学理念和方法,提高大众的田径运动认识力度,加快推进体育专业教学改革和发展,成为当前体育工作的首要任务。 江苏省五所体育专业院校田径教学现状调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_59246.html
