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时间:2019-12-18 21:41来源:毕业论文



    The status quo survey of Shangshui county junior high school skipping town

    Abstract:Using the method of literature, questionnaire survey method, interview method, on middle school students' skipping development present situation investigation and analysis. The research results show: Shangshui County high school in town of rope skipping in initial stage, most of the school site is not very standardized, trained teachers and simple training but special lack of Teachers, students' learning interest is not high, school leadership of rope skipping exercise seriously enough, the development of competition in the form of a single, thus affecting the development of rope skipping. And put forward the following suggestions: School Leadership strengthen importance of rope skipping exercise, pay attention to and strengthen the injection of school sports facilities construction and the teachers, schools need to carry out various forms of rope skipping Competition, cultivate students' interest, stimulate their learning motivation, and provide reference for the popularization and development of the rope skipping.

    Key words: Junior high school;Rope skipping; Development status.

目    录

摘  要 1

引言 2

1.研究对象与方法 2

1.1研究对象 2

1.2研究方法 2

2 结果与分析 3

2.1  学校领导对跳绳运动的重视程度 3

2.2 跳绳场地数量及使用情况 3

2.3学校体育教师专项情况 4

2.4学生对跳绳运动的喜欢度 4

2.5学校跳绳运动的比赛情况 5

3结论与建议 5

3.1 结论 5

3.2 建议 5

参考文献 7

附件 8

致  谢 10



    跳绳运动它是一项操作简单,方便易学、安全的民族传统运动项目之一。跳绳的不断的发展和创新,从跳绳的简单运动发展到现在的花样跳绳,有着其自身独特的娱乐性、趣性及健身性。它很适合在中学开展与普及,跳绳以内容丰富、形式多样、不受季节影响,花样可简可繁等因素,深得中学生的喜爱,跳绳可以让同学们的全身得到锻炼,也可以提高同学们的协调能力、弹跳能力和耐力等多方面的身体能力。还可以增强同学们的体质。跳绳运动具有较强的健身性和娱乐性,受到了人民群众和中学生的青睐,尤其是中学学生。这对于中学生来说,有很重要的作用。但是,跳绳运动的开展却每况愈下-751;文'论[文]网www.751com.cn,特别是中学对体育课不是很重视,跳绳的开展更是不景气,还有教师的专业水平和学生参与数量呈明显的下降趋势。本研究通过对商水县城镇中学跳绳运动开展现状进行调查,对商水县城镇中学跳绳运动的发展提供一些可行性的参考建议,以利于商水县城镇中学跳绳运动的开展。 商水县城镇初中跳绳开展现状调查:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_43622.html
