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时间:2020-08-19 19:56来源:毕业论文

摘 要:在学校教育全面贯彻“健康第一”指导思想的形势下,中小学体育课程已改名为《体育与健康》,更加强调体育教学要以促进学生的身心健康发展为根本目的,运动安全和医疗保障成为人们关注的焦点。本文采用文献资料、问卷调查、访谈和数据统计法等研究方法,对淮安市部分城镇初级中学体育医务监督的现状进行调查研究。研究结果表明:淮安市城镇初级中学对体育医务监督工作不够重视,机制建设方面尚有不足;场地、器材老化,存在安全隐患;体育教学课堂安全方面没有切实可行的预防方法和措施;健康教育课开设情况不理想,未达到教育部门对义务教育阶段学生健康教育课的课程标准;学生缺乏基本的安全知识以及急救和处理运动伤害的方法。提出合理建议为以后在学校体育活动过程中,预防和减少意外事故的发生提供科学的参考依据,也为促进学校体育的顺利、健康、和谐发展提供现实依据。54458


Abstract:In the school education to fully implement under the situation of "health first" guiding ideology, primary and secondary school physical education curriculum has changed its name to "sports and health", and more emphasis on sports teaching to promote students' physical and mental health development as the fundamental purpose, sports health care security and become the focus of attention. This article USES the literature material, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics research methods, such as urban junior high school physical education in huaian part of medical supervision and research of the status of the investigation. The results show that the huaian town junior high school of sports medical supervision is not enough attention, were lacking mechanism construction; Venues, equipment aging, unsafe; Physical education class security no feasible prevention methods and measures; Health education situation is not ideal, do not meet the department of education to the compulsory education stage student health education curriculum standard; Students lack basic safety knowledge as well as the method of first aid and treatment of sports injuries. Put forward reasonable Suggestions for later in the process of school sports activities, so as to prevent or reduce the happening of the accident to provide scientific reference basis, as well as promote smooth, healthy and harmonious development of school sports to provide the reality basis.

Keywords:Huai’an, Urban junior high school,Sports medical supervision,Present situation investigation

 目   录 

摘    要  03

英文摘要  04

1  前  言 05

2  研究对象与方法 05

2.1 研究对象  05

2.2 研究方法  05

3  研究结果与分析 07

3.1 淮安市城镇初级中学学校体育医务监督机制现状  07

3.1.1  学校体育医务监督机制建立情况 07

3.1.2  学生体格检查与体质测试情况   08

3.1.3  校级医务室与保健室的设立情况 08

3.1.4  体育场馆设施、器材的医务监督 09

3.1.5  体育卫生健康的宣传教育情况 09

3.2  淮安市城镇初级中学体育教学教学过程中的医务监督现状 09

3.2.1  对学生健康状况的询问 09

3.2.2  带领学生做好准备活动 10

3.2.3  课中对场地器材的检查情况 11

3.2.4  体育课堂中的安全教育情况 11

4  结论与建议 12

4.1  结论 12

4.2  建议 13

参考文献14 淮安市城镇初中体育医务监督现状调查研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_58675.html
