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时间:2020-08-12 20:46来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:中国,  足球,  调查,  发展

Abstract :With the economic development, as well as people improving the quality of life for the requirements , more and more people love and concern it. Our football has experienced 20 years of development and progress, however the results in the various league has forced many fans disappointed. In recent years, because the football management systems, laws and regulations are not perfect, the status of China's football development is worrying, not only behind Europe and other Western countries, it also has been surpassed Japan and South Korea and other countries. Therefore, for the future development of our football, this paper based on the survey of the status of football development, analyzing the reasons of the current status and the countermeasures of these measures and the future development of China's football-related research conducted.

Keywords:Chinese ,  Football ,  Investigation ,  Future development

 目   录

 1  前言4

 2  研究对象与方法4

 2.1  研究对象4

 2.2  研究方法4

 3  中国足球运动发展的困境4

 3.1  职业足球运动员水平停滞不前5

 3.2  青少年足球爱好者逐渐减少6

 3.3  群众性足球运动普及不力6

 4  造成中国足球目前状况的原因6

 4.1  管理制度的缺陷7

 4.2  储备人才工作不到位8

 4.3  我国足球运动员素质低下,团队合作精神差9

 5  中国足球运动发展的路径 10

 5.1  加快我国足球管理体制的改革 10

 5.2  提高足球运动员的素质 10

 5.3  完善我国足球储备人才的发展战略 10




1 前言


2 研究对象与方法

2.1 研究对象


2.2 研究方法

2.2.1 文献资料法

在研究过程中,除了对前人的文献进行了阅读和参考,还观看了相关赛事,获得与本研究相关的信息,为本文提供知识积累和详实的理论与事实支持。      中国足球运动发展的困境与破解路径:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_58039.html
