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时间:2020-03-21 22:50来源:毕业论文


Abstract  As a badminton can be adjusted at any time according to the specific conditions of the human body. No confrontational physical contact, and intelligence, physical fitness, skills combined with systemic net type sports as a whole, has become one of the most popular items of college sports in china. University badminton can not only play the students physical exercise, relaxation effect, also contribute to edify sentiment, improve self-cultivation and taste effect. Therefore, give full play to the role of badminton in the implementation of quality education in Colleges and universities, to deepen the education reform, is of great significance to improve the quality of teaching. But restricted by many factors, in the implementation process really is still facing many problems. How will the method of badminton training and promotion in Colleges and universities is the focus of attention from all walks of life. In this investigation, through the analysis of current situation of University Physical Education in Colleges & Universities in badminton, fully understand the current situation of University Badminton development, combined with the actual situation, in order to promote the development of university badminton training methods put forward suggestions and countermeasures..

毕业论文关键词: 羽毛球; 高校; 训练

    Key word:  badminton;  college;Training

目    录

引 言 4

一、高校羽毛球训练的现状分析 4

(一)训练方法单一,身体与技术不协调 4

(二)技术环节简单化,忽视心理素质训练 4

(三)比赛机会和战术讲解较少,训练缺乏乐趣 4

(四)高校对羽毛球运动缺乏关注 4

二、高校羽毛球训练的影响因素分析 5

(一)教学场地建设滞后 5

(二)教师数量不足,质量有待提高 5

(三)赛事少,难以带动训练水平 5

(四)大学生对羽毛球入门训练认识片面 6

(五)高校中高水平运动员不足 6

三、高校羽毛球训练的重点分析 6

(一)准确掌握世界羽毛球发展态势和项目特点 6

(二)合理分配身体素质训练与技术动作训练 6

1、夯实技术动作的基础 6

2、重视学生心理素质的训练,注重训练细节 高校羽毛球训练方法的研究:http://www.751com.cn/tiyu/lunwen_48628.html
