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时间:2020-03-20 13:44来源:毕业论文
为杭州市江干区初中生对体育课兴趣做出一定的理论依据,并指导实践,为培养学生的体育学习兴趣, 促进体育教育的和谐发展而奠定基础

摘要在 21 世纪,我国教育部门大力倡导素质教育,素质教育要求学生德智体美劳全面发展,对学生初中阶段的教育非常重要。体育课对身体还未发育成熟的初中生意义重大,它可以给初中生一个强健的体魄,缓解初中生紧张的学习压力,培养对运动的兴趣。可是现在国内很多中学仍然不重视体育课,很多学生上体育课及学习体育知识的兴趣也不是很浓厚。长期以来体育教师在进行教学设计或选择教学策略时, 并没有从激发学生的体育学习兴趣出发, 以至于大部分学生“喜欢体育而不喜欢上体育课”而学生的学习兴趣直接影响着学习效果为此, 本文通过文献综述的方法对初中生体育课兴趣的研究现状做出分析,希望为杭州市江干区初中生对体育课兴趣做出一定的理论依据,并指导实践,为培养学生的体育学习兴趣, 促进体育教育的和谐发展而奠定基础。46782

 In the 21st century, the education department in China vigorously advocate quality education, quality-oriented education demands students art of morality, intelligence and physique full scale development, the junior middle school stage of education are very important for students. Physical education still immature of junior middle school students is of great significance to the body, it can give a body in junior high school students, relieve the strain on junior middle school students study pressure, cultivate interest in shipment to move. But now I still do not take the domestic many middle school physical education, a lot of students in physical education and sports learning interest is not very strong. Long physical education teachers in teaching design or selecting teaching strategies, and not from arousing students' interest in physical education learning, so that most of the students "prefer sports to physical education classes" and the students' interest in learning directly affects the effect of learning to do this, this paper, by means of literature review, the research of physical education in junior high school students interested in the status quo analysis, hope for jianggan district, hangzhou city junior high school students interested in physical education, to make certain theoretical basis, and to guide practice, to cultivate the students' physical education learning interest, promote the harmonious development of physical education and lay the foundation.

毕业论文关键词:初中生; 体育课; 兴趣;现状

Keyword: Junior;Physical education;Interest;Development

目  录

1前言 5

2我国初中体育课发展现状概述 5

3研究对象与方法 5

3.1研究对象 5

3.2研究方法 5

3.2.1文献资料法 5

3.2.2问卷调查法 6

3.2.3数理统计方法 6

4.结果分析与讨论 5

4.1杭州市江干区初中生体育课兴趣现状 6

4.1.1初中生对体育课的兴趣 6

4.1.2初中生是否喜欢体育课现象 6

4.1.3初中生对体育课频意见调查 7

4.1.4初中生对教师态度的意见 7

4.1.5初中生对场地设施及器材调查 7

4.2初中生课外体育活动兴趣现状 8

4.2.1体育锻炼重要性调查 8
