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时间:2019-07-06 12:44来源:毕业论文

摘要折叠家具的设计是一种多学科联动的创新过程,涉及工业设计、结构设计、机械结构、工程材料与加工工艺等领域,是家具概念化设计的方式之一.随着科学技术的不断发展,折叠家具已经不再局限于传统的形式.富有创意的新颖折叠家具产品极大地丰富了现代人们的物质生活和精神生活,同时有助于解决如今城市生活空间相对狭小的现实困难,满足人们对于舒适空间的追求,对于倡导文明都市生活影响极大. 36832
The design of foldable furniture is a multi-subject innovation connects realms such as industrial design, structure design, mechanical structure, engineering material and material processing. It is a method of conceptual furniture design. Along with technological development, foldable furniture is not limited to traditional forms. Creative furniture products greatly satisfy people’s material and emotional needs by adapting to limited spaces that city people are subjected to. It helps people reaching their goal of comfortable living circumstances, and creating hominy life.
Firstly, a mathematical model based on geometry analysis which describes the dynamical process of foldable table of key points is built in this article. Then a serialization method is used in the discrete model to acquire the parametric equations about the edge line of legs and curved surface of legs. A designing scheme of the optimal length slot is also studied from geometrical and mechanical stable requirements. A specific design example is also given to demonstrate the practicality and effectiveness of the model and the algorithm. Finally, the model is generalized, it proved that if the edge line of legs is just on curved surface of legs, the foldable table can be produced.
一、问题描述    1
1.1引言    1
1.2问题的提出    1
二、问题分析    1
三、模型假设与约定    2
四、 符号说明及名词定义    2
五、 模型建立    2
5.1折叠桌几何模型    2
5.2桌脚边缘线及桌面曲线    5
5.3约束条件    7
5.4最优开槽长度    8
5.5模型实例    8
5.6力学分析    11
751、 模型结果的分析与改进    13
6.1模型的分析结果    13
6.2模型的改进    13
七、 参考文献    15
八、 附录    15
致谢    17
折叠家具的研究目的之一是有效地利用空间,并且能够在有限空间中追求舒适、美观的效果;其二在于借助新的技术手段发现新的家具折叠方式,既可以丰富家具品种,又能够改良用户体验;其三在于寻找折叠式产品设计的新概念,为设计师提供展示才华和实现设计的平台,当然最终目的就是为了提高产品设计的整体水平. 创意平板折叠桌的数学模型:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_35423.html