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时间:2020-12-25 17:05来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Negative is the students in junior high school the first learning content, are difficult for students of grade one in junior middle school. This paper after review of negative of history, through the test and the interview for the junior middle school students were investigated. Found that: students the concept of negative understanding stay in the surface form, negative number of mastering knowledge defects, using negative negative concept to solve the problem of the level is not high, girls than boys better. Caused by reasons for junior middle school students thinking ability, mathematics language level, the ability to solve computing lower, therefore, the teaching should be attention to the introduction of the concept of negative number, pay attention to letters and mathematical language teaching, to strengthen the training of the operation and to improve the students' ability of thinking.

Key Words:negative , concept , comprehend , investigation and research ,the teaching of mathematics 

1 绪论 4

1.1 研究背景 4

1.2 负数的起源与历史 4

1.3 研究方法 5

2 初一学生负数学习调查结果与分析 5

2.1 负数概念理解情况及分析 5

2.2 负数概念应用情况及分析 8

2.3 负数概念学习的性别差异 9

2.4 结论 10

3 影响学生负数学习的因素分析 10

3.1 思维能力方面的原因 10

3.2 理解数学语言方面的原因 10

3.3 运算能力方面的原因 10

4 教学策略 11

4.1 重视发展思维能力教学 11

4.2 重视负数概念引入教学 11

4.3 重视字母表示数的教学 11

4.4 加强数学语言教学 11

4.5 提高运算能力教学 11

结语 12

参考文献 13

致 谢 14

附 录 15

1 引言



   从小学的“算数”到初中的“有理数”,这对成人来说简单,但对刚入中学的同学来说却是一个不小的难题.对刚进入初一年级的学生来说,负数计算中的符号变换、绝对值、相反数、数轴等一系列问题,在遇到一些难题时都无法下手.源:自'751.·论,文;网·www.751com.cn/ 初一学生学习负数的困难研究:http://www.751com.cn/shuxue/lunwen_67090.html
