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时间:2017-06-20 23:24来源:毕业论文

摘要:植物精油属于GRAS物质,具有较高的安全性,将其应用到食品的防腐保鲜中可以减少化学合成抗菌剂对人体产生的不良影响。本论文以肉桂精油蒸气为抑菌物质,研究了不同条件下肉桂精油蒸气对黄曲霉的体外抑制效果,并对抑菌机理做了初步探索。结果表明:肉桂精油蒸气对黄曲霉菌丝体和孢子均有显著抑制效果,抑菌效果与浓度成正相关;水分活度对肉桂精油蒸气抑菌性具有显著影响,当水分活度不超过0.961时,5 L/plaet肉桂精油可完全抑制黄曲菌丝体和孢子的生长;温度对肉桂精油蒸气抑制黄曲霉菌丝体和孢子均无显著影响;黄曲霉在浓度为5 L/plate的肉桂精油蒸气中暴露1和3天,其作用方式是抑制作用,在度为5 L/plate的肉桂精油蒸气中暴露6天,其作用方式是致死作用;经肉桂精油处理过的的黄曲霉细胞孢子数很少,且不均一,细胞壁变厚,菌丝体变瘦,出现囊泡,不规则分叉。10481
Study of Cassia Oil Vapour Inhibition on Aspergillus flavus
Abstract: Essential oils, categorized as GRAS, are considered much safer than chemical materials. During the food preservation period, application of essential oils can reduce the negative influence on food caused by chemical antimicrobial agents. According to the experiment design, cassia oil vapour against A. flavus was tested at different condition in vitro. Meanwhile, the antifungal mechanism of cassia oil vapour was studied. The results were shown as below:
(1) In a study of efficiency of cassia oil vapour against the mycelia and spores showed a significant antibacterial activity.
(2)There was a positive correlation between inhibition and concentration. The correlation coefficient was exceed 0.9.
(3)The effect of water activity on A. flavus was significant. Cassia oil vapour at 5 L/plate could inhibit the growth of the mycelia and spores when water activity above 0.961.
(4) The temperature had no effects on the antifungal effect of cassia oil in vitro.
(5) Cassia oil vapour at 5 L/plate showed significant inhibitory effect to A. flavus when treated 1 day or 3 days. Cassia oil vapour at 5 L/plate showed significant lethal effect to A. flavus when treated 6 days.
(6) Through observation on spores and mycelia of A. flavus effected by cassia oil vapour using optical microscopy, the results showed that the spores of A. flavus brought aberrance, mycelia structure changed irregular and cell wall texture structure got disorder and hard to distinguish.
Key Words: cassia oil; vapour; Aspergillus flavus; antimicrobial; mechanism
目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 食品中的霉菌危害    1
1.1.1 霉菌及霉菌毒素概述    1
1.1.2 主要产毒霉菌    1
1.1.3 主要霉菌毒素    2
1.2 植物精油抑菌进展    3
1.3 精油蒸汽体抑菌进展    3
1.3.1 植物精油蒸气体外抑菌    3
1.3.2 植物精油蒸气抑菌机理    4
1.3.2 植物精油蒸气在食品中的应用    5
1.4.1 研究目的    7
1.4.2 研究意义    7
2 实验材料和方法    8
2.1 实验材料    8
2.1.1 植物精油    8
2.1.2 菌种和培养基    8
2.1.3 试剂    8
2.1.4 主要仪器    8
2.2 实验方法    9
2.2.1 不同条件因素对肉桂精油蒸气抑制黄曲霉菌丝体的影响    9 不同浓度肉桂精油蒸气对黄曲霉菌丝体的抑制效果    9 不同水分活度对肉桂精油蒸汽抑制黄曲霉菌丝体的影响    9 肉桂精油蒸气对黄曲霉的抑制效果研究:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_9549.html