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时间:2019-11-01 19:12来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 莜麦;糯米;米酒;发酵
 Study on the oat rice wine
Abstract:Naked oats, also known as naked oats is a oat, genus Avena sativa, and is an annual herbaceous crops have health value of, contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, high nutrition .
The low precision of rice wine, gentle flavor, sweet and mellow, containing sugar, organic acid, protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals and nutrients, high nutritional value, has been the subject of masses of working people's favorite and respected.
This thesis to naked oats rice wine as the main research object by liqueur koji and yeast yeast complex fermentation process was studied, mainly on the naked oat rice wine liquid than yeast adding quantity, days of fermentation, yeast species, yeast is added volume system research to following results:
1. Of Avena nuda rice wine alcohol, acidity, sugar and flavor indexes formation factors of raw material pretreatment, solid to liquid ratio, ratio of naked oats rice, koji addition, yeast species, yeast is added and fermentation time can be.
2. aked oats rice wine used in the experiment to three yeast (anqi fruit wine yeast, anqi yellow wine yeast, anqi white spirit yeast), angel wine yeast from fermentation of alcohol in the naked oats rice wine was the highest, and reducing sugar content and acidity, better flavor.
3.Glutinous rice, oat (Avena nuda: glutinous rice = 1:4), wash rice, soaking (ratio of material to liquid 1:1), steamed rice, mixed with song (angel liqueur koji 0.9%), 24h (incubation temperature 28 degrees C), adding yeast (angel wine yeast 0.25%), culture (6 days), target detection
Finished wine with more than 10(v/v%) accuracy.
Keywords: Naked oats, rice, rice wine, fermentation
1  绪论    1
1.1  本课题在国内外研究进展    1
1.2  本课题的研究内容,目的及意义    4
材料与方法    6
2.1  实验材料    6
2.1.1  实验原辅料    6
2.1.2  相关试剂    6
2.1.3  实验仪器    6
2.2  分析方法    7
2.2.1  DNS法测还原糖    7
2.2.2  酒精度测定    7
2.2.3  总酸的测定    8
2.2.4  感官评定    8 裸燕麦莜麦米酒的研制+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_41943.html