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时间:2018-06-21 11:50来源:毕业论文

摘要: 本论文测定了烤鸭在加工过程中的烤鸭的色度值、总糖含量、蛋白质含量以及抗氧化性的变化(ABTS、DPPH、FRAP),并通过相关性分析来探究烤鸭加工过程中的抗氧化性变化特性。实验结果发现:在色度试验中L*和ΔE则随着烤制时间的增加而递增;总糖含量呈现减少趋势;蛋白质含量呈现下降趋势但不明显;固液反应体系与液液反应体系测定的ABTS、DPPH、FRAP清除能力均随着加工时间的增加,其中固液反应体系测定的ABTS、DPPH、FRAP的变化范围分别为:鸭肉(0.036~0.040 mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.041~0.050 mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.138~0.610 mmol Trolox Eq/mg),鸭皮(0.027~0.035 mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.025~0.046 mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.196~0.661 mmol Trolox Eq/mg);液液反应体系测定的样品抗氧化活性明显小于固液反应体系的结果(约小8倍)。通过相关性分析发现,色度值b*与ABTS、DPPH、FRAP没有显著相关性;a*与ABTS、DPPH、FRAP有显著正相关性;L*与ABTS、DPPH、FRAP有显著负相关性(P<0.01)。表明在烤鸭的加工过程中抗氧化性变化可能与美拉德反应产物的产生有关。24494
毕业论文关键词: 烤鸭;抗氧化性;自由基清除
Research about antioxidant properties in the process of the roast duck                                    
Abstract: The paper tests color values changes、 total sugar content changes、changes in protein content ,as well as changes of oxidation resistance (ABTS, DPPH, FRAP)in the process of roast duck, and do analysis correlation about regularity of these changes to study the duck processing antioxidant properties.Experimental results showed that:In the color test L*andΔE then incrementally increase over time; the total sugar content decreased while baking time increased; protein content reduced slowly as the baking time increased; ABTS, DPPH, FRAP in both solid samples and extracts assay increased with the increase of processing time, and the radical scavenging rate gradually increased, Which range from a solid sample measurement ABTS, DPPH, FRAP were: duck meat(0.036~0.040mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.041~0.050mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.138~0.610), duck skin(0.027~0.035 mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.025~0.046mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.196~0.661); range from  extract measurement ABTS, DPPH, FRAP were: duck meat(0.001~0.003mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.0076~0.0085mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.405~0.789), duck skin(0.0019~0.0046mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.0056~0.009mmol Trolox Eq/mg)、(0.445~0.852).The free radical scavenging via extract measurement  trend was significantly lower than the rate of solid samples measurement;it found that the color values b* and ABTS, DPPH and FRAP has no significant correlation; a* and ABTS, DPPH and FRAP has a significant positive correlation; L* and ABTS, DPPH and FRAP has significant negative correlation(P <0.01).It found that Maillard reaction and its products may have some influence on the color of roast duck or antioxidant variation in the process of the roast duck.
Keywords: roast duck; antioxidant; free radicals scavenging
1 绪论    10
1.1 烤鸭的历史与制作    2
1.2 烤鸭加工过程中的化学反应    2
1.3.1 美拉德反应机理    4
1.4 美拉德反应产物的抗氧化性    4
1.5 美拉德反应产物抗氧化活性的影响因素    5
1.5.1 氨基酸的种类    5
1.5.2 糖的种类    6
1.5.3 反应物的浓度    6
1.5.4 初始pH值    7
1.5.5 反应的温度和时间    7
1.5 抗氧化活性对人体的益处    8 烤鸭加工过程中抗氧化特性的研究:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_18012.html