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时间:2018-10-13 10:25来源:毕业论文

摘要:葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)是世界上重要的果树之一,研究葡萄果皮色泽状况对于杂交育种中亲本的选择具有重要的意义。本研究随机选用217份鲜食葡萄、70份酿酒葡萄和8份野生葡萄进行果实着色性状的调查,研究发现:葡萄果皮色泽可分为绿黄色、黄绿色、粉红色、紫红色、紫黑色和蓝紫色6种。鲜食和酿酒葡萄开始转色的时期主要集中在七月,并以七月上旬最为集中;所调查葡萄种质的果实平均着色时间为18.9d,欧亚种长于欧美杂种,鲜食种略长于酿酒种;着色期葡萄果穗上着色果粒数的增加呈现“慢-快-慢”的“S”形曲线,早、中、晚熟葡萄品种的三个阶段的变化的长短也有差异。不同品种间果穗和果粒的最先着色部位也有差异,45.0%的葡萄种质的果穗最先着色部位为穗肩,66.3%的葡萄种质的果粒最先着色部位为粒尖。喷水试验结果表示,喷水会促进大部分葡萄品种的果粒的着色过程,但小部分葡萄品种不受影响。29040
Investigation and Analysis on Colored Characters of Grape Varieties
Abstract: Grape (Vitis vinifera l.) is one of the most important fruit trees in the world, and the study of the color of grape skins is of great significance to the selection of parental breeding in hybridization. In this study, 217 cultivars of table grapes, 70 cultivars of wine grapes and 8 wild grapes were randomly selected for fruit coloring traits. The results showed that there were six kinds of fruit color in these grape varieties: greenish yellow, yellowish green, pink, mauve, dark purple and bluish violet. Table grapes and wine grapes coloring mainly concentrated in July, and early July in particular; the average coloring time of these surveyed grape cultivars was 18.9d, and the Vitis vinifera L. was longer than the V.vinifera-The American species of Euvitis. Table grapes were also longer than wine grapes. The increase in the number of colored fruit grains on the shaded grapes is shown as "slow - fast - slow" curve, and this phenomenon was also presented to early, medium, and late ripening cultivars, but the proportion of three stages on the “S” curve had some differences. There were also some differences in the first shading parts of different species of grain and berry. 45% grapes were shoulder colored first, and in the most berry the first colored part was the berry tip. Water spray test results show that the water will promote the majority of grape varieties of fruit coloring process, but a small part of the grape varieties are not affected.
Key words: grape; colored; germplasm resource
目  录
Key words 1
1 材料与方法2
1.1 试验地概况与试验材料2
1.1.1 试验地概况  2
1.1.2 试验材料  2
1.2 调查方法4
1.2.1 观察记录葡萄果实色泽变化情况4
1.2.2 喷水试验4
1.2.3 分析数据4
2 结果与分析4
2.1 果实颜色与着色状况4
2.1.1 果实颜色4
2.1.2 果实着色时间5
2.1.3 果粒及果穗着色部位6
2.1.4 葡萄果实着色趋势7
2.2 喷水试验对葡萄果粒着色的影响8
2.3 郑州、太谷、句容三地葡萄果实颜色对比8
3 讨论  9
致谢 10
参考文献 10
图 1  751种葡萄果粒颜色4
图 2  不同类型葡萄种质资源果实色泽5
图 3  不同类型葡萄种质资源开始着色时间5
图 4  不同品种类型葡萄果实平均着色时间6
图 5  葡萄果粒的四种着色方式6
图 6  不同区域果粒的着色先后顺序7
图 7  三个葡萄品种果穗上已着色果粒数增加的情况8
图 8  喷水对‘黑彭斯’和‘红意大利玫瑰’两个葡萄品种着色情况的影响8 葡萄品种资源果实着色性状的调查与分析:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_24116.html