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时间:2020-08-20 16:01来源:毕业论文

摘 要:蔬菜种质资源调查是蔬菜种质资源工作的基础,通过调查可以收集蔬菜种质材料,获取种质资源特性、分布和数量等信息,对蔬菜种质资源保护和利用有重要意义。通过实地走访调查,进行图像采集,调查统计淮安市淮阴区栽培的蔬菜共有20余科110多种,其中绝大多数属于种子植物,而且以双子叶植物为主。主要栽培的双子叶植物蔬菜有17科82种。在双子叶中又以豆科(17种)、葫芦科(12种)、十字花科(11种)、菊科(9种)、伞形花科(7种)和茄科(6种)为主。单子叶植物蔬菜有8科29种,其中最重要的是百合科(13种)。调查发现存在一些不足之处,如缺乏统一的调查数据标准和规范、调查信息化程度不高、调查数据资源相对分散、缺乏区域性的农作物种质资源调查信息网络服务平台。54499


Abstract: This survey is the basis of vegetable germplasm vegetable germplasm work can be collected through surveys vegetable germplasm materials, access to germplasm characteristics, distribution and quantity of information on vegetable germplasm resources conservation and utilization are important. Through field investigations, image acquisition, survey Huaiyin District Huaian cultivated vegetables There are more than 110 kinds of 20 families, most of them belonging to the seed plants, but mainly in dicots. The main cultivation dicots 17 families 82 kinds of vegetables. They turned in dicotyledonous legumes (17 kinds), Cucurbitaceae (12 species), Brassicaceae (11 species), Asteraceae (10 species), umbelliferous (7 kinds) and Solanaceae (6 kinds) based. Monocots vegetables are 8 families, 29 species, of which the most important is the lily family (13 kinds). The survey found that there are some shortcomings, such as lack of uniform standards and norms survey data, survey information level is not high, the survey data resources are relatively fragmented, lacks a regional survey of crop germplasm resources information network service platform.

Keywords: huaiyin district, huai'an city, vegetables,germplasm resources, investigation report


1 前言 5

2 蔬菜种质资源概念及实际应用 5

2.1 蔬菜种质资源 5

2.2 蔬菜种质资源实际应用 5

3 蔬菜种质资源研究面临的挑战和策略 6

3.1 蔬菜种质资源研究面临的挑战 6

3.2 蔬菜种质资源发展策略 6

4 蔬菜种质资源调查与研究结果 7

4.1 蔬菜品种分类方法 7

4.2 淮阴区蔬菜品种 7

4.3 淮阴区特色蔬菜品种 8

4.3.1 淮阴紫芽青萝卜 8

4.3.2 淮阴小狮子头大白菜 8

4.3.3 淮阴大狮子头大白菜 9

4.3.4 淮阴丁集镇黄瓜 9

4.3.5 淮阴棉花镇751椒 9

5 淮阴区蔬菜种质资源发展面临的问题和策略 10

5.1 淮阴区蔬菜种质资源发展面临的问题 10

5.2 淮阴区蔬菜种质资源发展策略 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致谢 淮安市淮阴区蔬菜种质资源调查:http://www.751com.cn/shengwu/lunwen_58719.html
