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时间:2021-01-05 21:09来源:毕业论文



Evaluation on the business performance of listed company

Abstract: Enterprises as profit organization whose goal is the pursuit of economic efficiency, economic efficiency of enterprises embodied in the operating results on. results of operations during a given period is the use of its limited resources to engage in business activities, results achieved, showing business efficiency and the performance in two ways. Enterprise Performance refers to the use of scientific, standardized method of evaluation index system with a specific, uniform standard of comparison, in accordance with certain procedures, quantitative and qualitative analysis, enterprises must operate during the operational efficiency and the performance to real, objective, comprehensive and fair evaluation. It yes evaluation theory method in economic sphere, specific about applications in the accounting and financial management based on economic principles and modern using measurement analysis technology built business analysis truly reflected the reality enterprise economy, forecast business prospects for the future development of a science. Establishment and implementation of enterprise business performance evaluation system, and scientific evaluation business results, will help guide the business operations right, to help companies find businessgap and the causes of economic efficiency. 

Key Words: Business performance; Indicator system; Comprehensive evaluation


一、 引言 3

二、  国内外企业绩效评价研究 4

(一) 国外企业经营绩效评价的演变 4

(二) 国内企业经营绩效评价的演变 5

三、 上市公司经营绩效评价体系初步研究 6

(一) 上市公司绩效评价体系的构成要素 6

(二) 上市公司财务指标初建 8

1、 偿债能力指标 8

2、 营运能力指标 9

3、 盈利能力指标 9

4、 市价指标 10

四、 实证分析——以北京同仁堂为例 11

(一) 选取样板企业的数据来源 11

(二) 财务比率分析 11

(三) 杜邦分析 16

五、上市公司经营绩效评价存在的问题及对策 上市公司经营绩效评价研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_67878.html
