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时间:2018-08-16 11:41来源:毕业论文

关键词  机构投资者持股  股价崩盘  代理理论
Title  The Influence of Institutional Investors Holding  on Stock Price Crash Risk in China               
Institutional investors in China started relatively late compared with the developed countries, but developing fast.With the growing of China's institutional investors, institutional investors holding impact on stock price crash more and more get the attention of the society from all walks of life.Based on China's A-share market in 2009-2013 listed companies as research samples, from the perspective of enterprise microscopic research China's institutional investors holding and the relationship between the stock price crash risk.In this paper, through empirical analysis it is concluded that the higher the institutional investor shareholding in our country, the company stock price crash risk is bigger.Different types of institutional investors holding had different influence on stock crash risk.The ownership of fund investors, insurance companies, qualified foreign institutional investors and the social security fund is higher, the greater probability will the company's share price collapse have. And the funds have the most impact on stock price crash risk degree.However, this paper also found that securities corporate holding had no significant impact on the company's share price collapse.
Keywords  Institutional investors  Crash risk  Agency theory
目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景    1
1.2 研究问题及意义    2
1.3 研究方法及结论    3
2 相关概念与文献综述    4
2.1 股价崩盘相关概念    4
2.2 机构投资者相关概念    4
2.3 股价崩盘影响因素    5
2.4 机构投资者对股价崩盘的影响    5
2.5 文献综述评述    6
3 理论分析与研究假设    7
3.1 机构投资者持股与股价崩盘    8
3.2 不同类型机构投资者与股价崩盘    8
4 研究设计    11
4.1 样本选取    11
4.2 变量定义和度量    11
4.3 模型建立    12
5 实证分析结果    13
5.1 描述性统计    13
5.2 相关性分析结果    13
5.3 回归分析结果    15
5.4 稳健性检验    17
6 研究结论与建议    21
6.1 研究结论    21
6.2 建议    21
结论    22
致谢    23
参考文献    24
1 绪论
1.1 选题背景
2015年我国A股市场迎来了疯狂牛市,股票价格一路飙涨,全民炒股热情高涨。在股票价格疯涨的同时也带来了一些问题,即股票价格的升高是否存在泡沫、当泡沫破裂时是否会发生股价崩盘。股价崩盘一旦发生,投资者的利益会受到严重损害,股市会发生剧烈震动,严重时甚至引发金融危机,因此股价崩盘的危害越来越受到社会各界的重视,股价崩盘的风险也随之受到关注。Jin和Myers(2006)研究表明,当现金流低于投资者预期时,管理层倾向于隐藏公司坏消息,而当累积的所有坏消息被突然释放出来时,股票价格就会崩溃。Bleck和Liu(2007)研究发现,管理层隐藏公司坏消息阻止了投资者和董事会及时采取纠正措施或及早清算不合理项目。结果,无利可图的项目持续太久且项目的亏损会随着时间推移而积累,最后导致资产价格崩溃。Kim和Zhang(2011a)指出管理者隐藏和累积负面消息导致企业信息透明度缺乏,会增加未来股价崩盘的风险。 我国机构投资者持股对股价崩盘的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_21471.html