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时间:2017-06-09 21:58来源:毕业论文

关键词  管道机器人  管道检测  多节步进式  管径适应能力
Title   Design of a multi-section stepping pipeline robot                     
For the need of robots for pipeline repair and inspection work, this paper brought up with a new Multi-section Stepping Pipeline Robot, based on the advantages of crawler pipeline robot,wheeled pipeline robot and worming pipeline robot. The robot has two drive modes. It can adapt to the changing of pipe diameter and the elbows. Besides, It can also work in the vertical pipe.
At first, this paper introduced the research status and trend of pipeline robot home and abroad. Besides, the design requirements were shown at the same time. Then it talked about the overall design scheme and the working method of this pipeline robot. Followed by, it carefully explained the robot’s mechanical structures and their functions. After that it discussed the kinematics and dynamics of the robot’s working in the pipe. Then it talked about the work of control system design. It expounded the hardware and hardware parameters of the control system. The end is the designing work of control system’s program and an experiment. It explained the program designing ideas and the function the robot can achieve.
Keywords  Pipeline robot            Pipeline inspection
Multi-section stepping    Pipe—diameter adaptability  
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  管道机器人概述    1
1.2  管道机器人的研究现状    1
1.3  各种管道机器人的优缺点    3
1.4  国内外管道机器人的趋势    4
1.5  本课题研究目的与内容    5
2  多节步进式管道机器人总体设计    6
2.1  多节步进式管道机器人总体方案    6
2.2  多节步进式管道机器人工作原理    8
3  多节步进式管道机器人机械结构设计    9
3.1  调径机构设计    9
3.2  驱动装置设计    12
3.3  两节机身连接机构设计    13
3.4  电机的计算与选型    15
4  多节步进式管道机器人运动力学分析    22
4.1  多节步进式管道机器人的弯道通过性分析    22
4.2  多节步进式管道机器人越障能力分析    26
4.3  在大倾角管道内力学分析    27
4.4  在水平和小倾角管道内的力学分析    28
5  多节步进式管道机器人控制系统设计    30
5.1  力矩电机驱动器选型    31 多节步进式管道机器人设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_8881.html