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时间:2021-08-07 15:03来源:毕业论文
液压支架主要由前梁、顶梁、掩护梁、四连杆机构、底座、液压支柱和千斤 顶等基本部分组成。本篇论文对支撑掩护式液压支架的组成、结构和工作原理进 行了详细的介绍。接着根据设

摘要综合机械化采煤使我国煤炭工业得到了快速发展,对国民经济的发展起到了 关键作用,是我国煤炭工业发展的方向与趋势。综合机械化采煤的关键设备是液 压支架,它确保采煤设备正常运行,它的结构性能决定着综采设备的性能。因此, 液压支架的设计至关重要。70352

液压支架主要由前梁、顶梁、掩护梁、四连杆机构、底座、液压支柱和千斤 顶等基本部分组成。本篇论文对支撑掩护式液压支架的组成、结构和工作原理进 行了详细的介绍。接着根据设计参数,确定了支架的主要结构件尺寸,分析计算 了四连杆机构,同时完成支架各部件的结构选择。然后,根据液压支架的结构设 计,对液压支架整体、顶梁、掩护梁和底座进行了强度设计,分析其受力情况, 并分别对前梁、顶梁、底座以及前后连杆进行强度校核,确保它们的安全可靠。 最后,介绍了该支架的液压系统原理,同时对其使用用途和保养做了一些规范和 要求。

该论文有图 37 幅,表 21 个,参考文献 37 篇。

毕业论文关键词:液压支架 支护 顶梁 四连杆机构 结构设计

The design of caving coal hydraulic support

Abstract Comprehensive mechanized coal mining has made Chinese coal  industry develop rapidly, it has played a key role in the development of the national economy and it is the direction and trend of Chinese coal industry development. The key equipment of the comprehensive mechanized coal mining is the hydraulic support, which ensures the normal operation of the coal mining equipment, and its structural performance determines the performance of the fully mechanized coal mining equipment. Therefore, the design of the hydraulic support is very important.

Hydraulic support is mainly composed of a front beam, a top beam and a shield beam, a four-bar linkage mechanism, a base, a hydraulic prop and Jack basic part.In this thesis, the composition, structure and working principle of the hydraulic support are introduced in detail. And according to the design parameters, it determines the main support structure size, completes the analysis and calculation of the four connecting rod mechanism and completes all parts of the frame to choose  the structure of at the same time. Then,according to the structural design of the hydraulic support, the overall, the top beam, the shield beam and the base of the hydraulic support were designed strength, and the force of the front beam, the top beam,  the base and the front and the back connecting rod strength check were checked to ensure their safe and reliable. Finally, it introduces the principle of the hydraulic system of the bracket and the use and maintenance of the hydraulic system.

Key Words: hydraulic support; support; roof beam; four-bar linkage; structure design


Abstract II


1 绪论 1

1.1  液压支架发展意义 1

1.2  放顶煤支架的发展状况 2

1.3  放顶煤液压支架 4

2 液压支架的结构设计 8

2.1  支架主要尺寸的确定 8

2.2  支架四连杆机构的确定 13

2.3  支架各部件结构选择 放顶煤液压支架设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79632.html
