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时间:2020-05-17 10:24来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:疲劳试验;强度校核;传动方式 ;车架


The development of the motorcycle industry makes the importance of the performance requirements of motorcycle frame more obvious .Performance test for the motorcycle frame has become increasingly important.The front suspension fatigue test the durability of the fatigue test the motorcycle frame to the shock absorber.A road test can usually achieve their goals, but road test is time-consuming and high cost.Bench fatigue testing machine to solve this problem . Different types of motorcycle frame can being tested in the room through fatigue testing machine, it is convenient and effective, easy to record and cost savings. So, fatigue testing machine is even more important .

In this paper, the design of the fatigue testing machine with a single rotating hub plus vibration detection of the front suspension and shock absorbers.Turn hub is installed on the rotating hub in order to simulate uneven road .Turn the wheel to rotate the drive and drive the structural design, sizing and strength checking. Adjust the position of the fixture, the transmission mode design .Using the cylinder to exert a lateral force on the frame, fixed and simulate the gravity of the driver. 

Key Words:Fatigue test;Strength Check;Transmission;Frame 

 目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题来源 1

1.2 国内外疲劳试验机研究现状 1

1.3 软件介绍 3

1.3.1 AutoCAD的介绍 3

1.3.2 Solidworks的介绍 4

1.4 本文设计内容 5

第二章 总体方案设计 7

2.1 试验方式的确定 7

2.2转毂传动 7

2.2.1 传动方式选择 7

2.2.2 转毂尺寸结构确定 8

2.3 侧向力施加方案 9

2.4 夹具的位置调整系统 9

2.4.1 导轨的选择与结构设计 9

2.4.2 传动方式的选择 11

第三章 转毂传动设计 13

3.1 传动方案 13

3.2 电机选择 13

3.3 带传动设计 14

3.3.1 V带带型选择 14

3.3.2 带长的计算 Solidworks摩托车前悬架耐久试验机设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_51934.html
