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时间:2019-09-17 20:23来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着时代的进步,尤其是现在正处于信息化时代,电子产品更是飞速发展。它的产量和更新速度每天都在飞速发展,从而二手交易市场也就应运而生,因此二手交易网站系统的诞生不仅可以方便人们足不出户就可以用最合适的价钱买到人们心中最喜欢的商品,更可以满足人们闲置资源的合理利用,促进社会的经济发展。二手交易网站的建立就是为了人们能够在线浏览商品,更方便的选择到自己喜欢的商品。该系统的设计思路主要是先对系统进行需求分析和可行性分析、然后对数据库表和页面样式进行设计、最后对用户购买二手商品的基本操作和管理员的管理功能的设计与实现。最终完成测试要求。本系统的主要功能实现大致如下: 用户可以在二手交易网站的首页浏览一些二手产品,并对于自己喜欢的产品可以将其添加到自己的购物车,然后可以到购物车对自己已选的产品进行删除、修改数量等操作,继而可以进行下订单,在下订单的过程中,可以进行送货地址的填写等。另外,管理员还可以通过后台对新增用户和新增商品进行编辑、删除等管理操作。该二手交易网站系统主要使用MVC结构。39146
毕业论文关键词: 二手交易网站;二手电子产品;数据库;Java
Design and Implementation of the System of Secondary Trading Site
Abstract: Our lives progress. In particular, we are now in the information age, and the number of life electronic products is more and more, its production and development speed is very fast update, and then the secondary trading market has also emerged. thus the birth of secondary trading site system can not only convenient for people to stay at home You can use the most appropriate price to buy people's minds like most commodities, but also to meet people idle rational use of resources, It also promotes the economic development of our societies.Establishment of secondary trading site that people can order online browsing merchandise, more convenient alternative to their favorite products. The system design is the first major system needs analysis and feasibility analysis, then the database tables and page style design, final design and implementation of second-hand goods and basic operation of the management functions of the administrator user purchase. Finally, to complete the system testing. The main function of this system to achieve roughly as follows: the user can browse a number of second-hand goods in the secondary trading site's home page, Users can add their favorite products to their own shopping cart them. and then can go to the shopping cart for their products have been selected delete, modify the number of other operations, and then you can place an order, Process user orders, the user can fill in some of the shipping address and other information in the orders table, and that administrators have permission to edit, delete and other management operations for new users and new merchandise through the background.The secondary trading site system mainly uses MVC architecture.
Keywords: Secondary trading site; Second-hand electronic products; Database; Java
目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1 二手交易网站的开发背景和发展前景    1
1.1.1 开发背景    1
1.1.2 发展前景    1
1.2 二手交易网站的现状及问题分析    2
1.2.1 现状和问题分析    2
1.2.2 解决方案    2
1.3 二手交易网站的设计目的与意义    2
1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
第2章  系统分析及功能概述    3
2.1 系统分析    3
2.1.1 系统需求分析    3
2.1.2 系统技术分析    4
2.2 系统功能    4 jsp二手交易网站系统的设计与实现:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_39395.html