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时间:2019-06-07 10:07来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 人事信息管理系统;UML;JAVA
Design of personnel information management system based on UML+JAVA
Abstract:With the development of the increasing popularity of computer and network, now,artificial management mode can no longer meet  the development of enterprises. This management way exists many shortcomings.such as: low efficiency, poor security, large amount of data,  query is not convenient and so on. In addition, it will affect the future of the enterprise.Based on the full investigation of personnel information management system , this thesis firstly take advantage of uml modeling Language to model the system,and then use JAVA language object-oriented programming technology,Finally completed the design of the personnel information management system.The system is mainly to achieve the employees departmental management module, employee information management module, employee attendance management module, employee appraisal management module, employee wages management module, user management module.And this system is safe,stable and simple operation.At the same time, it makes the departments of information management more efficient, greatly simplifies the workload of data collection,  improve company's technological content and management efficiency.
KeyWords:The personnel information management system;UML;JAVA
目  录
1绪论    1
1.1 课题调研的情况基本前提    1
1.2 对此的研究情况现状国内外)    1
1.3 课题研究的功能    2
1.4 收集需求信息    2
1.5 系统的开发环境    3
2 系统分析    3
2.1 需求分析    3
2.2 可行性分析    4
2.2.1 技术可行性分析    4
2.2.2 经济可行性分析    5
2.2.3操作可行性分析    5
3 系统建模    5
3.1 关于UML语言的相关知识    5
3.1.1 给UML下的定义    5
3.1.2 UML的特点和用途    5
3.2 利用UML语言来建模    6
3.2.1系统实例图    6
3.2.2系统静态模型设计    7
4 系统数据库设计    10
4.1 MySQL概述    10
  4.2 MySQL特点    10
4.3 MySQL的使用流程    11
  4.4 数据实体描述    12
5 系统功能模块的设计    14
5.1 系统工程结构    15
5.2 JAVA语言基础知识    15
5.2.1JAVA语言走向历史舞台    15
5.2.2 JAVA语言的特点    16
5.2.3 JAVA的主要服务    17
  5.3 系统功能模块模块    18
5.3.1登陆模块    18
5.3.2部门管理模块    19 UML+JAVA人事信息管理系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_34269.html