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时间:2017-01-18 13:27来源:毕业论文

摘要LIN(Local Interconnect Network)是一种低成本的串行通讯网络,用于实现汽车中的分布式电子系统控制。LIN 的目标是为现有汽车网络(例如CAN 总线)提供辅助功能,因此LIN总线是一种辅助的总线网络。在不需要CAN 总线的带宽和多功能的场合,比如智能传感器和制动装置之间的通讯使用LIN 总线可大大节省成本。LIN 技术规范中除定义了基本协议和物理层外还定义了开发工具和应用软件接口。LIN 通讯是基于SCI(UART)数据格式,采用单主控制器/多从设备的模式。仅使用一根12V 信号总线和一个无固定时间基准的节点同步时钟线。这种低成本的串行通讯模式和相应的开发环境已经由LIN 协会制定成标准。LIN 的标准化将为汽车制造商以及供应商在研发应用操作系统降低成本。
关键词: LIN总线;主从节点;网络;UDP;C#; 串行通讯;
LIN Bus System Simulation Platform Development Abstract:     
LIN (Local Interconnect Network) is a serial communication network low cost, for automobile electronic systems in distributed control. The goal of LIN is to the existing automobile network (such as CAN bus) to provide auxiliary functions, so the LIN bus is a kind of auxiliary network. Without the need for CAN bus bandwidth and versatility of the occasion, such as smart sensors and braking device communication using LIN bus can greatly save cost. The LIN specification defines the basic agreement and in the physical layer defines the development tools and the application software interface. LIN communication is based on SCI (UART) data format, using the master controller \ / more from the device model. With only one 12V signal bus and one without a fixed time reference node synchronization clock line. This low cost serial communication mode and the corresponding development environment has been made by LIN Association for standardization. LIN standard for automotive manufacturers and suppliers in the development and application of operating system to reduce costs.
This topic through the LIN bus and LIN bus system simulation module testing. Realize the function of LIN system node through the VS development platform, through the design of the simulation realization of sending and receiving data frame of LIN bus and LIN bus communication mode. Through the study, has deepened my understanding of LIN bus communication network, but also enhance our understanding of C#, so it is necessary to research on this topic. In this paper, the development and use of LIN bus is introduced, the design of the LIN bus network topological structure simple, and developed a through UDP communication protocol transmission software, LIN related to the node test.
Keywords:    LIN bus; LIN protocol; Network; UDP;C#;Communication;
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1  引言    1
1.2  LIN总线的历史背景和意义    1
1.3  LIN总线的应用和推广    4
1.4  研究现状和发展水平    5
1.5  未来的发展趋势    5
1.6  仿真模拟    6
2    系统设计    7 LIN总线车身系统逻辑控制的仿真设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_2446.html