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时间:2018-05-24 17:55来源:毕业论文
选择3DS MAX进行模型的建立,三维场景的建模是最主要工作,在设计模型时按照一定原则进行,尽量使虚拟场景逼真的呈现

摘要虚拟漫游技术,作为虚拟现实技术的重要应用分支,在各行各业中的发展迅速,包括旅游、游戏、建筑等方面。虚拟场景漫游又称建筑场景虚拟漫游,是虚拟场景建模技术和虚拟漫游技术的结合。虚拟场景建模技术是基础,而虚拟漫游技术是系统运行方法。本论文设计与实现的虚拟漫游系统,基于地理信息系统技术、虚拟现实技术,以真实学院四楼为整体蓝本(布局设计、景观、教学及生活环境、建筑物),实现访问者自动漫游,以及改变视点进行环视,访问者还可以做出像在真实世界一样的动态行为,实现了环境的艺术性和真实性。本课题建模选择3DS MAX进行模型的建立,三文场景的建模是最主要工作,在设计模型时按照一定原则进行,尽量使虚拟场景逼真的呈现。第二,实现了虚拟现实场景碰撞检测技术,通过在Unity3D中为模型附加碰撞器实现。第三,实现漫游系统动画触发等交互功能,通过Unity3D关键帧制作动画功能,以及射线碰撞检测技术实现。第四,将WIFI定位技术与漫游系统的融合,实现漫游系统的室内定位功能。作为一个三文可视化虚拟场景,可以使人们全面了解综合楼的布局,为适应环境、查询导航提供方便。23284
关键词:虚拟现实;3DS MAX;Unity3D;漫游系统;WIFI定位。
Title    Homocentric Squares Roaming System about The Forth Floor of  The College Comprehensive Building Based on U3D                                                  
Virtual Tour technology,as an important application branch of virtual reality technology,is in the rapid development of industries,including aspects of tourism,gaming and construction.Virtual scene roaming,also known as virtual roaming in architecture scene,is a combination of virtual scene modeling technology and virtual roaming technology.Virtual scene modeling technology is the foundation,while Virtual Tour technology is a method of the system to running.The virtual roaming system which is designed and implemented in this paper,is based on GIS technology,virtual reality technology.The system in this paper is modeling on the fourth floor of the real college(such as layout design,landscape,teaching and living environment,building).In this system,visitors can do atuomatic roaming,as well as change viewpoint to look around,visitors can also make the same dynamic behavior as in the real world,and visitors will find the environment in the system is artistic and real.In this topic,I use 3DS MAX to establish the model according to certain principles,try to make a realistic rendering of virtual scenes because modeling three-dimensional scene is the most important work in the design of the model.Second,I achieve a virtual reality scenes collision detection technology through the Unity3D by add generate colliders on model.Third,I complete the roaming system animations and other interactive functions triggered by Unity3D keyframe animation capabilities,and Ray collision detection technology.Fourth,I make the integration of WiFi location technology and roaming system,to achieve indoor positioning roaming system.As a three-dimensional visualization of the virtual scene,people can fully understand the complex building layouts to facilitate adaptation to the environment and the query navigation.
Keywords: Virtual Reality;3D MAX;Unity3D;Roaming System;WIFI Location
目  次
1    绪论    1
1.1  选题背景与意义    1
1.2  相关技术的国内外发展概况    1
1.3  本文的研究内容    5 基于U3D的院系综合楼二期四楼小回字漫游系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_16283.html