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时间:2021-08-04 21:07来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字: 互联网金融   支付宝    商业银行应对策略

    Research on the Influence of Internet Finance on Commercial Banks

Abstract: In recent years,due to the continuous innovation of the internet industry and reform of the financial mechanism, our country’s internet finance rises quickly and it causes great impact on the business of our commercial banks. Under the background of the rise of internet financial ,the commercial banks have been affected the advantages and disadvantages. As a emerging industry,internet finance imbued with a new way of operating for the traditional financial, so it gives rise to new business ideas on the Internet platform development,but it also brings challenges to the traditional financial. The internet finance development is relatively short,this makes the financial management system in China can't formulate series of effective policies,traditional financial due to imperfect financial system from the Internet,also will be affected by certain negative impact. This article first elaborates the characteristics of the internet finance, the causes and the status. At this basis,the commercial banks due to the development of the internet finance,it has been affected. And then, to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of internet finance for commercial banks. Finally, combining commercial banks’ advantages to analyze imperfections with internet finance and give some advice on how to solve the internet finance.


    Key Words:Internet Finance,Ali pay,Commercial bank strategy


一、绪论 1

   (一)研究背景 1

   (二)研究意义 1

   (三)文献综述 1

二、互联网金融的现状分析 2

   (一)互联网金融的含义 2

   (二)互联网金融的特点 3

   (三)互联网金融兴起的原因 3

   (四)互联网金融的现状 4

三、互联网金融对商业银行的有利影响 6

   (一)创新渠道的运营方式 6

   (二)创新大数据产品组合 7

   (三)加快我国商业银行业务结构调整 7

四、互联网金融对商业银行的不利影响 互联网金融对商业银行影响的研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_79595.html
