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时间:2021-07-21 22:53来源:毕业论文

摘 要:江苏省作为“一带一路”战略的交汇点,应主动承担起 “一带一路”战略建设任务,承接国内,面向国外。随着“一带一路”战略的全面推进,江苏省对外贸易翻开一页新的篇章。本文从“一带一路”战略提出的内涵、总体框架入手,结合我国的战略布局及贸易现状,阐述 “一带一路”建设的深刻意义和发展前景。主要以江苏省为例,通过对江苏省与周边国家(地区)贸易格局分析,阐述作为“一带一路”战略的交汇点,江苏省如何将“一带一路”战略带来的挑战转化为现实的机遇,如何规避劣势,更好的发挥江苏省的潜在优势,真正成为“一带一路”战略沿海开放的排头兵。69754


Abstract: Jiangsu Province, as the meeting point of "one belt and one road", should initiative to undertake the strategic task of building for " one belt and one road", to undertake domestic and face foreign. With the full advance of the strategy for "one belt and one road", the Foreign Trade of Jiangsu Province has opened a new chapter. This paper will start from the connotation and overall framework of "one belt and one road", combined with the status quo and layout of our country , and expound the profound significance and prospects for development of the construction of "one belt and one road ". Mainly case of Jiangsu Province, through the trade pattern analysis of Jiangsu Province and its neighboring countries (regions), describes as the meeting point of "one belt and one road", Jiangsu Province how to change the challenges from the strategy of "one belt and one road" into real opportunities, how to avoid the disadvantages, better play the the potential advantages of Jiangsu Province, and truly becomes the vanguard of the strategic of" one belt and one road " for coastal opening.

Keywords:  "one belt and one road", Jiangsu Province, the intersection point, The pattern of trade  

目  录

1引言 4

2 文献综述 4

3 “一带一路”战略内涵和总体框架 5

3.1  内涵 5

3.2  总体框架 6

4  江苏省在“一带一路”战略下的对外贸易格局 6

4.1  “一带一路”战略下国家贸易基本格局 6

4.2  江苏对外贸易发展现状 6

4.3  江苏与“一带一路”沿线国家(地区)贸易格局分析 8

5 “一带一路”战略下江苏竞争优势 10

5.1  区位优势明显 10

5.2  后备资源丰富 11

5.3  交通便利,综合交通运输体系日趋完善 11

5.4  产业贸易基础雄厚 11

5.5  人文历史悠久 12

6  “一带一路”战略下江苏对外贸易发展制约因素 12

6.1  外贸市场分布结构不合理 12

6.2  关键节点(城市)对外贸易的带头能力较弱 12

6.3  对外贸易信息缺乏,投资风险较大 一带一路战略下江苏对外贸易格局及竞争对策分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_78763.html
