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时间:2021-07-01 11:11来源:毕业论文



Personal housing loan risk of commercial banks in China and its prevention

Abstract:Commercial bank risk is the main financial risks of real estate, the housing loan business is a low risk of high-quality assets, and because of the accumulation of quantity, and the risk will increase, in the transfer of risk and dispersion method and the lack of practical experience and limitations. And because the development of China's real estate market is still a nascent stage, for the management of the industry is not perfect and standardize the, personal credit system also needs to be perfect, resulting in increased the risk of inpidual housing loans, so to prevent the risk of the personal housing loan is very necessary.

Key words: inpidual housing loans; risk; commercial bank

目   录

一、引言 1

(一)本论文选题背景意义 1

(二) 本论文研究目标内容 2

(三) 文献综述 2

二、个人住房贷款风险的概述 4

(一)个人住房贷款的基本概念及种类特点和流程 4

1.个人住房贷款的基本概念 4

2.个人住房贷款的分类 4

3.个人住房贷款的主要特点 4

4.个人住房贷款的流程 5

(二)我国个人住房贷款现状及主要风险 5

1.个人住房贷款现状 5

2.个人住房贷款的主要风险 6

三、个人住房贷款风险分析 7

(一)个人住房贷款主要存在的风险 7

1.假按揭贷款风险 7

2.借款人的风险 7

3.流动性风险 8

4.利率风险 8

5.市场风险 9

6.开发商引发的风险 9

(二)个人住房贷款的逆向选择与道德风险 10

四、我国商业银行个人住房贷款风险的防范措施 11

(一)完善我国个人住房信贷保障制度 11

1.建立并完善房贷保险制度 11

2.房贷担保人的设立 11

(二)建立银行内部风险控制体系 12

1. 分析预测宏观经济走势 12

2.优化住房贷款资源配置调整信贷结构 我国商业银行个人住房贷款的风险及其防范:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_77717.html
