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时间:2021-06-19 10:21来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  研报  偏差  事件研究法  机构利益冲突  过度自信  羊群效应

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Broker research reports’ deviations and its reason


The study in Broker research reports’ deviations and its reason is beneficial to the protection of the investors’ vital interests, the regulation of brokers and listing corporations’ behavior of issuing information, the sound development of the stock market of our country. This paper uses broker research reports on Chinese Shanghai exchange and Shenzhen exchange’s listing corporations in 2013 to conduct an empirical study by event study, which is about the existence of the reports and its reason. We found brokers are willing to give an optimistic and positive evaluation. The “buy” evaluation usually has deviations, The “hold” evaluation probably has deviations, The “concern” evaluation is usually has no deviations. Interest conflict among organizations, securities analysts’ overconfidence and securities analysts’ herd behavior cause the deviations. We put forward some suggestions including ensurance of  securities analysts’ independence, perfection of system, enhancement system of supervision, strength of external supervision, establishment of accountability system and reputation mechanism.    

Keywords  research reports deviations  event study  interest conflict 

overconfidence  herd behavior 

目  次

1  绪论…1

1.1  研究背景与意义…1

1.2  研究方法与论文结构…1


2.1  券商研报存在偏差的相关研究2

2.2  券商研报偏差原因的相关研究…4

3  关于券商研究报告偏差的实证研究6

3.1  实证模型的构建…6

3.2  实证结果及分析…8

3.3  实证结果总结…14

4  券商研究报告偏差原因分析…15

4.1  机构利益冲突导致偏差15

4.2  过度自信导致偏差16

4.3  羊群效应导致偏差17

5  对策及建议19



图1  事件研究法的时间轴6

表1  “301”评级的实证结果9

表2  “303”评级的实证结果…10

表3  “304”评级的实证结果…12

表4  “305”评级的实证结果…13

1  绪论


    券商研究报告本意是证券分析师利用自身信息优势和专业知识的优势对证券做出客观、真实的评价,供投资者参考,对投资者的投资行为有一定的影响。近年来,我国证券市场上频发“研报门”,如湘财证券、平安证券、国泰君安、信达证券四家券商捧吹石墨烯价值,并对中国宝安作出了买入的评级,中国宝安股价因此一路高涨,但随后中国宝安却发出公告,澄清公司并没有石墨矿,中国宝安股价随后急速下跌,散户投资者损失惨重,信达证券此后被投资者告上法庭。绿大地、双汇发展、紫鑫药业、青岛啤酒、涪陵榨菜、攀钢钒钛、重庆啤酒、东阿阿胶、宁波联合等公司先后都存在着研报偏差的事件。最新的事件当属昌九生化因借壳预期股价从14元起步长至40元,后因公司澄清没有借壳等重大事项股价连续十个跌停。研报偏差不仅使投资者遭受损失,也会使券商遭遇信任危机,同时也不利于我国证券市场的健康持续性发展。对券商研究报告偏差的现象和原因进行研究有利于保护投资者切身利益,有利于规范证券公司和上市公司信息发布行为,有利于我国证券市场进一步健康发展。论文网 我国券商研报偏差及原因分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_77207.html
