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时间:2021-05-24 19:49来源:毕业论文



The Study on international competitiveness of Chinese fastener manufacturers

Abstract: Following the steps of 13th five-year develop plan, the China's fastener industry develop rapidly like bamboo shoots after the first rain. To take this advantage opportunity, the large, medium and small enterprises accelerate the pace to grow and develop. But the global fastener industry momentum is not weaker than us, there are the Americas and Europe which has advanced technology and perfect the system in front of us, the rapid develop Africa and other countries on Asia behind us. In this era of opportunity and competition coexist, and how can we find our own position better, highlighting the advantages and characteristics of our country in international fastener industry foothold, with various fasteners giant head in hand. This paper will proceed from China's fastener industry profile, characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges with the continent, national industry comparative analysis, and the research on international competitiveness of Chinese fastener.

Key Words:China;Fastener industry;Analysis of advantages and disadvantages;Competitiveness


绪 论 1

一、 紧固件行业概况 2

(一) 世界紧固件行业概况 2

(二) 中国大陆紧固件行业概况 3

1. 中国大陆紧固件行业发展历程 3

2. 中国大陆紧固件行业发展现状 4

(三) 台湾地区紧固件行业概况 5

二、 中国紧固件生产行业发展的优劣势分析 8

(一) 中国紧固件行业优势分析 8

1. 市场竞争充分 8

2. 成本低廉 8

3. 种类齐全 8

(二) 中国紧固件行业劣势分析 8

1. 生产技术与产品工艺提升缓慢 8

2. 企业难以转型发展 9

三、 中国紧固件生产行业发展的机会与威胁 10

(一) 中国紧固件行业拥有的机会 10

1. 反倾销申诉的成功 10

2. 国内航天航空,汽车,建筑业的发展 11

3. 国家政策的支持 11

(二) 中国紧固件行业面临的威胁 11

1. 东南亚地区的低成本竞争 11
